Page 22 - Urban Kapital Magazine Autumn 21
P. 22


                 TREATED AS A TABOO


          All  UK  hairdressers  are  now  re-                                  sometimes it can be extremely thick
          quired to be trained on how to style  The ‘intimidation’ of black hair  and the drying time takes a hell of
          Afro and textured hair. Whilst it has                                 a lot longer. I think people get more
          been long over-due, is it too late?   Many black women, have often  intimidated by that, than the actu-
                                             felt isolated in the hair and beauty  al cutting, because the cutting isn’t
          This update to the rules has been  realm, particularly in white domi-  massively different. It is more styl-
          announced by The National          nated spaces.                      ing and looking after it, like ‘how am
          Occupational Standards for                                            I going to manipulate the hair in a
          Hairdressing (NOS).                This is primarily because          certain way?’”
                                             hairdressers are unfamiliar with
          It comes after the discovery that  black hair, so they will do one of two
          many qualifications did not require  options.
          students to be trained on how to
          style Afro and textured hair.      Either the hairdresser will make an
                                             attempt to style a client’s hair, but
          The British Beauty Council has  fails to do so correctly, or they will
          worked alongside the government  deny their services towards them
          to help push this initiative. In the  altogether.
          British Beauty Council’s roadmap  Due to this, black women will feel
          and key initiatives, they stated that  that their hair is a burden, and will
          they aim to “Promote diversity and  avoid those places entirely, and will
          inclusion within the sector delving  instead seek out a professional in
          deeper into socio-economic mobili-  this area of expertise.
                                             Ben Adams, an artistic director at
          By these rules being updated it al-  Aveda, believes that hairdressers
          lows for these black clients to no  are not intimidated about cutting
          longer feel ignored, especially with  Afro or textured hair, instead it’s
          the next wave of talent            more about the styling process.
          coming soon.
                                             He said:
          But why has it taken this long, and
          why  are hairdressers  intimidated  “What you do find is that it takes
          by this type of hair?              longer. That’s the main thing and

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