Page 10 - Community Engagement
P. 10

  City Website Government website
   Can reach anyone who goes to the site.
We can create a dedicated URL that will go to a city page to simplify the path to information.
   • Inform
   Guiding Gold Website
Golden’s community engagement website
 This is typically where we put all information about a project and ways to engage online. See pages 49-53 for a comprehensive look at options and ideas for using this tool.
 • Inform
• Consult
• Involve
• Collaborate • Empower
   Golden Media/Press Release
 Golden Transcript, local e-newsletters and blogs
  Communication Manager has a list of these contacts to specifically reach Golden Residents
  Be sure to deliver a consistent message to the media, but keep in mind
it is the discretion of each reporter to decide how much detail they want to provide the public.
   Broader Media/ Press Releases
  TV station, regional/state newspapers, online news sites, and blogs
   Communication Manager has a list of these contacts to reach the broader community outside of Golden
   • Inform- keep in mind this is not guaranteed. It is to the discretion of the media outlet.
Golden’s cable channel run by the City
 Only for cable subscribers at the moment, but soon the channel will be live- streamed so anyone can watch it as well.
 • Inform
   City Videographer
 City employs a videographer who can put together simple videos for social media, longer videos, and record public meetings
  Depends on where the video is released. Social media,, and YouTube, websites are some options.
  • Inform
This is a good way to personalize/humanize/ visually explain a particular project
   Variable Messaging Boards (VMB)
 Electronic signs that can be placed on streets or thoroughfares
  There are five VMBs owned by the City. Use is to the discretion of the Streets and Police departments.
  • Inform- this only allows for very basic information: who, what, where, when
  City’s internal communication channel for employees
   This can be used for alerts or heads up on parts of the project that may impact other departments.
   • Inform
• Engage
   It is time for Oak Park to develop and implement a standardized Community Engagement Process, based on models from other similarly situated communities and using best practices informed by decades of research.

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