Page 51 - VE Magazine - Issue 42
P. 51

ve / October-November 2018 / 51
What have we started?
went slightly wrong, but Julie credits it to pure stupidity. This particular tree took out the hedge, the phone line, the power and completely blocked the lane. Dinner was only half cooked and the guests were due soon. It was not my finest hour!
The space created wasn’t empty for long before a Redwood Stone catalogue (folly and garden specialists), appeared on the dining table. I thumbed through and, to be fair, could only agree that it would actually be a lot of fun to buy a selection of the wares within and build us a gothic ruin. Redwood manufacture a very convincing selection of aged stone components including a var- iety of gothic arches, medieval windows, columns, and balustrades. The thought of finally building a folly was exciting, but also daunting due to our lack of spare time.

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