Page 22 - VE Magazine - Issue 26
P. 22

Ends 13th March
The Man Who Sold the World
Get yourself to Groningen in The Netherlands for a poignant last chance to see the V&A’s definitive David Bowie touring exhibition. By Karyn Sparks
JUST AS WE WERE in the midst of working on this issue of Vintagexplorer, Britain and the world was dramatically plunged into sadness and a veritable Vintage nostalgiafest by the pass- ing of music legend David Bowie.
If, like me, you were kicking yourself even harder than ever that you never snagged a ticket back in 2013 for the V&A’s highly acclaimed David Bowie is... exhibition, you can imagine how it felt to discover that, after nearly three years and seven metropolises, this travelling exhibition has reached its final destination of Groningen in The Netherlands, where it runs until 13th March – which makes it perfect timing to combine with our planned visit to Amsterdam for the Design Icons show on Valentine’s weekend in February! (see previous page)
Since Groningen and Amsterdam are a little over two hours apart by train, it seems well worth extending the Dutch adven- ture to grasp a last opportunity to see this fabulous exploration of one of the most pioneering and influential artists of our time. As Andreas Blühm, director of the Groninger Museum, said when it opened before Christmas: “We are very happy and proud to have this exhibition in the Netherlands and to share the experience with our visitors. It is an imagination-boosting exhibition, not only for David Bowie fans, but also for a broad public. The interface between fashion, design and contempor- ary art links up perfectly with the Groninger Museum.”
Amazingly, this exhibition has been the first international retrospective of the extraordinary career of David Bowie. The
Above: ‘The Archer’ from the Station to Station tour in 1976. Photograph ©John Robert Rowlands.
Left: Promotional photograph for The Kon-rads, 1963. Photograph by Roy Ainsworth. Opposite: Striped bodysuit for the Aladdin Sane tour in 1973. Design by Kansai Yamamoto. Photograph ©Masayoshi Sukita
   22 / February-March 2016 / ve
Photographs courtesy of The David Bowie Archive 2012. Image ©V&A Images

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