Page 4 - Operant Conditioning
P. 4

Reinforcement Schedule

              In 1957, Ferster and Skinner devised various ways of delivering reinforcement and found
              that they affect The Response Rate (the rate at which the rate pressed the lever) and The
              Extinction Rate ( The rate at which lever pressing dies out). Below is the table showing the

              types of reinforcement with respective description and example.

                Reinforcement                                                       Rate
                                                Description                                                     Example
                   Schedule                                                Response      Extinction

                                    An animal/human is positively                                     Every time a lever is pressed a
                  Continuous        reinforced every time a specific          Slow         Fast       pellet is delivered and then
                                    behavior occurs.                                                  food delivery is shut off.

                                    One reinforcement is given after a
                                    fixed time interval providing at least
                 Fixed interval                                             Medium       Medium       Being paid by the hour.
                                    one correct response has been

                                    Providing one correct response has
                                    been made, reinforcement is given                                 A self-employed person being
                Variable interval                                             Fast         Slow
                                    after an unpredictable amount of                                  paid at unpredictable times.
                                    time has passed.
                                    Behavior is reinforced only after the                             A child receives a star for
                  Fixed ratio       behavior the behavior occurs a            Fast       Medium       every five words spelled
                                    specified number of times.                                        correctly.
                                    Behavior is reinforce after an
                 Variable ratio                                               Fast         Slow       Gambling or fishing.
                                    unpredictable number of times.

                                                            Reinforcement Schedule
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7