Page 40 - Listado de precios Pertici-2019/2020
P. 40
Electronic double head cutting machine.
Automatic positioning of moveable head carriage
Measurement reading on magnetic ruler
Manual rotation of the bed for cutting at 45° 0° 45° and intermediate angles
Manual side tilting of the heads for cutting between 0° and 45° external angle
N° 2 Carbide saw blades (400 mm).
N° 2 Vertical pneumatic clamps
N° 2 Horizontal pneumatic clamps
Blade lubrication system (IP).
Quick-action heads approach device (IP)
Removable shelves for minimum cut
3 HP motors
Electronic programmable unit control.
Back-lighted 80-character LCD display.
Protected touch-sensitive keyboard.
RS 232 C serial connection.
USB Port.
Mode 1: Internal rotation of heads on the vertical axis.
The control unit allows cuts to be made in semi - automatic mode with correction of the measurements
with angle cuts from 0° up to 45° , setting only the external measurement.
Mode 2: External inclination of the heads on the horizontal axis.
The control unit allows cuts to be made in semi- automatic mode with correction of the external
measurements with angle cuts from 0° up to 45°, setting only the external measurement.
Mode 3: External rotation of the heads on the vertical axis.
The control unit allows cuts to be made semi-automatically with correction of the external measurement in
0° up to 45° cuts, setting only the external measurement.
Possibility to store up to 200 profile height
Storing and running 7 cutting lists of 200 lines each entered from the keyboard, from an external PC
connected via the RS 232 serial line or from USB-key.
Software easycut to operate the program from the office
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