Page 9 - Dental
P. 9
ماهية أخلاقيات وآداب المهنة:الفصل الأول
ماهية أخلاقيات وأداب المهنة
True Case No ( 1) :
Complete The Requirment or Repeat Semister?
Essam is a fourth level dental student. Now he is in Spring Semes-
ter and if he not finished his requirement, he will stay to Summer
or may even repeat the year, he tries to finish all, even he paid for
some patient cases to meet other requirements. He needs con-
struction 3 unite metal-porcelain bridge and 2 Class II amalgam
restorations to finish his clinical requirements.
Hend came to the faculty primarily for bridge work to a missing
lower left molar. She is forty years old and in a good general
health. She is an employer and adjusting her hours to the ap-
pointments in dental faculty. She was concerned about her ap-
pearance and Essam has replaced several discolored old com-
posite restorations at maxillary anterior teeth. She has a Class I
occlusion, no evidence of bruxism and her teeth compatible with
either metal-porcelain bridge or all-ceramic bridge.
Essam had two metal-porcelain bridge who recently discon-
tinued treatment and become no longer available. The original
Essam plane is to construct an all-ceramic bridge and 2 amalgam
restoration in maxillary 2nd molars for Hend and a metal-porcelain
bridge for any of the two patient who discontinued treatment.
As Essam discussed his predicament with Hend, it was clear
that all-ceramic bridge was still her treatment of choice. She told
that she trusts him and appreciated his caring manner as she was
really worried about who would treat her when she started at the
dental faculty. Essam also appreciated her patience with his be-
ginner attempts and her understanding and encouragement even
when a composite needed to be redone twice.
Rizk is Essam classmate and friend told him, “Look, if you
cannot change her mind, till her you can’t complete treating her
unless she does the metal-porcelain. If that doesn’t work, I can
let you use my metal-porcelain bridge patient and I will do her
all-ceramic bridge. My all-ceramic bridge is a disaster and I have
to do root canal first and another one, as the pulp was exposed.”