Page 115 - MUD-catalog-2019_Neat
P. 115
AF 115
The MUD Waterline Purge System ™
Easy to use and sensibly priced
The MUD Waterline Purge System is ideal for molders who prefer
to purge the waterlines before storing their molds. This completely
mechanical purge system is specifically engineered for easy operation
ITEM NO. and virtually no maintenance. The system is installed on the molding
PSA-1000 machine and becomes an integral part of the waterline system.
This new system allows you to purge your waterlines in 30 seconds
or less!
Operation of the MUD Waterline Purge System involves three easy
steps. First, turn off the water supply with the two valves. Then,
activate the air switch to inject air into the waterlines. After the
cooling media has been purged from the system, the mold is ready
to be changed. To begin the water flow, just return the valves to the
THE MUD Waterline Purge System is specifically open position. Please note: If you use an enclosed system, the purged
engineered for easy operation and virtually cooling media must be drained into a holding container.
no maintenance.
Learn more about the MUD Waterline Purge System and the MUD
Quick-Change Adapter System with Instant-Connect Waterlines.
Visit to see how a video that demonstrates how
MUD quick-change systems will save time and cost within your facility.
Water Out to Mold
Water In Back Side
Free Flow MUD Quick-Change Mold Base Adapter Systems with Instant-Connect Waterlines | Waterline Purge System
Air Switch
Off On
Water Return from Mold
Back Side
Water Out
Free Flow Exhaust to Drain
Air Supply
U.S. 800-626-6653 n
Canada 800-387-6600 n Mexico 52-442-713-5666