Page 142 - Mold Bases & Plates 2020
P. 142

Standard & Optional Mold Base Features

                                                      Clamp Slots

                                         Clamp Slots facilitate clamping the mold to the platen of the press. DME American
                                         Standard Mold Bases offer four slot types (shown below) to ensure the best fit for the
                     Features supplied as
                     standard unless     requirements of your application.
                     otherwise specified.

            for quoting or
            ordering, sPecify:

            clamp slot type
            ❑  type a - Machined when
               Top Clamping Plate is 0.875
               or 1.375

            ❑  type b - Machined in plates                                     top clamping plate or
               that are 2.375 or thicker                                       a-clamping plate
      Standard & Optional Mold Base Features   |    Clamp Slots
                                            type a
            ❑  type c - Machined only when                                                     press pLaten
               specified by a customer and   Machined when
               top clamp plate is 1.375     Top Clamping Plate                     0.813
                                            is 0.875 or 1.375                                0.625
            ❑  type d - Machined plates                        note:
               that are 1.875 thick                            when this plate is 0.875 thick, the slots
                                                               will be machined through the thickness.

            other options include:                                             special top clamping plate,
            ❑  Omit upper clamp slot                                           a-clamping plate, a-plate, or ax-plate
            ❑  Omit lower clamp slot        type b
               (3-piece housing supplied)   Machined in                                        press pLaten
            ❑  Machine entire length        plates that are                           0.875
            ❑  Machine all four sides       2.375 or thicker                                  0.813

                                                                               top clamping plate or
                                                                               a-clamping plate
                                            type c                                             press pLaten

                                            Machined only
                                            when specified by                         0.875  0.813
                                            a customer

                                                                               special top clamping plate,
                                                                               a-clamping plate, a-plate, or ax-plate
                                            type d
                                                                                               press pLaten
                                            Machined plates
                                            that are 1.875 thick                      0.875

                  U.S. 800-626-6653  ■  Canada 800-387-6600  ■  ■
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