Page 289 - Mold Bases & Plates 2020
P. 289

Technical Reference

                                American Standard Mold Base Features

            leader pins, vents & bushings    sIze  DIA  lpxos  lpx  lpy   ejector housing & Cover
                                             88   0.750  3.000  3.125  3.125
                                             812  0.750  5.000  5.125  3.125
            Leader Pins and Bushings align both halves of   108  0.750  2.938  3.125  4.062  ejector housing Cover
            the mold at the parting line. Leader Pin Vents,   1012  0.875  4.875  5.062  4.062
            which allow trapped air to escape from the mold,   1016  0.875  6.938  7.125  4.062  For additional operator safety, SelectBase molds include an
            are designed into all 15-inch-and-wider series   1020  0.875  8.938  9.125  4.062  ejector housing cover, except when a longer length ejector bar is
            molds. When desired, they can be specified on   1112  0.875  4.938  5.125  4.562  selected. The perforated DME logo helps the operator to visually
            smaller molds.                   1114  0.875  5.938  6.125  4.562  determine if the ejector plate and ejector retainer plate are in
                                             1118  0.875  7.938  8.125  4.562  the returned position. The cover is fastened on both sides with
 z                  lp-XOs1   lp-X2    z     1123  0.875  10.688  10.875  4.562  5/16-18 button-head cap screws. Once again, DME is leading the
                                             1212  1.000  4.625  4.812  5.000  industry into a safer work environment.
                                             1215  1.000  6.125  6.312  5.000
               lp1                   lp2
 OFFset (1)       Offset (1)                 1220  1.000  8.625  8.812  5.000  ejector housing
             lp-y1                     lp-y2  1223  1.000  10.375  10.562  5.000  DME offers a selection of housing types to fit application
                                             1315  1.000  6.125  6.312  5.688
                                             1318  1.000  7.375  7.562  5.688  demands. A one-piece welded housing is available for
                                             1321  1.000  8.750  8.938  5.688  customers requiring maximum rigidity and robust durability.
             lp-y3                     lp-y4  1323  1.000  10.125  10.312  5.688  For maximum flexibility of configuration options, a three-piece
                                             1326  1.000  11.375  11.562  5.688  housing is also available.
               lp3                   lp4     1329  1.000  13.125  13.312  5.688
                                             1518  1.250  7.375  7.562  6.062
                                             1524  1.250  10.250  10.438  6.062  EJECTOR HOUSING COVER  TAPPED HOLES FOR
                    lp-X3      lp-X4         1529  1.250  13.125  13.312  6.062  (BOTH ENDS OF MOLD).  FASTENING COVERS
                        ”b” half of mold                                   COVERS MOUNTED ON  TO MOLD (8)
                                             1616  1.250  6.375  6.562  6.562  OUTSIDE SURFACE OF MOLD
      Technical Reference   |    American Standard Mold Base Features
                                                                           ON ENDS OF EJECTOR
                                             1620  1.250  8.375  8.562  6.562  HOUSING RISERS
                                             1623  1.250  10.125  10.312  6.562
                                             1626  1.250  11.375  11.562  6.562  MOUNTING HOLES
                                                                           FOR FASTENING
                                             1629  1.250  13.125  13.312  6.562  COVERS TO MOLD          EJECTOR HOUSING
                                             1635  1.250  16.125  16.312  6.562                          (RISER)
                                                                                                     EJECTOR RETAINER PLATE
                                             1724  1.250  10.250  10.438  6.812                    EJECTOR BAR
                                             1729  1.250  13.125  13.312  6.812  Recommended
                                             1818  1.250  7.375  7.562  7.562  Dimensions for Drilling   5/16-18 X 3/8 LONG UNC CLASS 3A
                                                                                              BUTTON HEAD CAP SCREW (8) PLACES
                                             1820  1.250  8.375  8.562  7.562  and Tapping
                                             1823  1.250  10.125  10.312  7.562                   .44
                                             1826  1.250  11.375  11.562  7.562                   .69
    VIeW X-X                                                                        C DIM/2       TYP.
  ("b" hAlF OF MOlD)                         1829  1.250  13.125  13.312  7.562
                                                                                   C DIM
                           W  clamp plate    1835  1.250  16.125  16.312  7.562  (RISER HEIGHT)    A     A
                                             1924  1.250  10.250  10.438  8.312
                                             1929  1.250  13.125  13.312  8.312
   y                          b-plate        1935  1.250  16.125  16.312  8.312   .257 DIA. TAP DRILL  END OF MOLD
                                             2424  1.500  10.062  10.250  10.250  .75 DEEP TO POINT
    X    .50  WIDe X .12 Deep                                                     5/16-18 TAP UNC CLASS 2B
         (4) plAces
         centereD On eAch shOUlDer bUshInG,  support plate  2429  1.500  12.938  13.125  10.250  .62 DEEP
         InclUDInG the OFFset bUshInG -
         In tOp OF rIsers On ejectOr hOUsInG                                      (8) PLACES
         FOr leADer pIn Vent slOts
                                             2435  1.500  15.938  16.125  10.250
           lpV-XOs   lpV-X
           (1) plAce  (3) plAces                                                       NOTE:
                                                                                     ALL DIMENSIONS
                              housing                                                 ARE IN INCHES  ENLARGED WITH EJECTOR
                                                                                             HOUSING COVER AND BUTTON
                                                                                              HEAD CAP SCREW SHOWN
                sectIOn z-z
            Clamp slots                           lifting holes
            Type a
                                                  lifting hole diameters
                                   press plAten
                                                     base size    0.875 plaTe ThiCkness 1.375
                            0.813                     88-1118   1/2-13 Unc  1/2-13 Unc
                                  0.625              1123-1524  5/8-11 Unc  5/8-11 Unc
                nOte:                                1529-1829  5/8-11 Unc  3/4-10 Unc
                When this plate is 0.875 thick, the slots
                will be machined through the thickness.  1835-2429  5/8-11 Unc  1"-8 Unc
            Type b                                      2435      n/A        1"-8 Unc
                                   press plAten
                                                  lifting holes
                              0.875                                                             –X     +X        plate surface in
                                  0.813             threAD sIze  s       T        Lifting Holes can be used to install hoist rings for   parting line direction
                                  0.625                                 MAX.      ease of handling. Mold base can be configured only
                                                      1/2-13    1.00    1.38
            Type C                                    5/8-11    1.25    1.75      with Lifting Holes which are appropriate for the
                                                      3/4-10    1.50    2.00      specific mold base size. Refer to the DME catalog
                                   press plAten        1"-8     2.00    2.62      for a comprehensive selection of Hoist Rings.  z
            Type d                                           –X     +X        plate surface in      s     t
                                                                              parting line direction
                                                     OFFset                                               MAX.
                                   press plAten
                                                          lh1    lh2    lh3
                              0.875                                              z
                  U.S. 800-626-6653  ■  Canada 800-387-6600  ■  ■
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