Page 4 - CFCM Sept-Oct-2020_Neat
P. 4

from the EDITOR

         A new Year

         I heard something on the radio   workforce and a snapshot of what
         recently. The announcers were talking  COVID meant to the industry. If you
         about setting up a Christmas tree    have feedback, story ideas, product
         because first, they said, everyone loves  releases or would like to contribute in
         Christmas, and second, Christmas   any way, please let me know. We love
         signals the end of the year. And    hearing from you and without face to
         who doesn’t want this year to end?!  face tradeshows, this is one great way
         It’s been quite a ride.            to stay connected.
            For many of us, September often   Speaking of connected, we hope
         feels more like the start of a new year  you’ve received your copy of the
         than January. The kids return to  CFCM 2020/21 Buyers Guide.
         school, and here at the magazine,    Whether you are looking for raw
         we are in planning mode for the    materials or services, our annual print
         following year.                    edition is a valuable reference tool
            We want to know what you would  for the Canadian paint and coatings
         like to see. This is your book and we  industry. You can also find it online
         want to keep it interesting, engaging,  at     ingredients and solutions for anything
         and relevant!                        If you already have an online listing,  related to the Canadian finishing and
            This year, we added a column from  you can update it any time. If you  coatings realm.
         the Canadian Association for Surface  want to be included, head to the site
         Finishing (CASF), as well as some  and create your own listing! We hope   Theresa Rogers
         newsy features on tackling the aging  you find it a helpful tool for sourcing

         4   CAnADIAn FInISHInG & COATInGS MAnuFACTuRInG                             SEPTEMbER/OCTObER 2020
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