Page 14 - The Language Sandwich
P. 14

Pronouns (The Type of Bread)

           Pronouns are used in place of nouns. The purpose of

           pronouns is to avoid repetition and make sentences

           easier to understand. A noun that is replaced by a

           pronoun is referred to as the antecedent. Some of

           the most common pronouns to remember are he,

           she, it, they, and this.

           Choosing a pronoun is like choosing which type of

           bread to use for your sandwich. Will it be white

           bread (he), whole-wheat bread (she), rye (it),

           sourdough (they), or pita bread (this)? Though there

           are many types of bread out there—white, whole

           wheat, rye, baguettes, naan—at the end of the day,

           it’s all still bread, and we can call it such. The same

           goes for pronouns, which we use in the place of


           Further, there is a proper type of bread for every

           sandwich. You can’t just use banana bread to make a

           pulled-pork sandwich! In the same way, you can’t

           use he to describe the Queen of England. (Well, you

           could, but you’d be wrong, and I don’t think Her

           Majesty would appreciate it.)
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