Page 51 - Mountain Medicine Directory - Winter 2017
P. 51

intrigued? read more about personality types on p. 34

                                                                The abstract battle between Good and Evil is
               Are pragmatic and concrete--they are focused
            ENTJ  on long term competition and success. Strategic   INFP  often terribly real to the INFP whose primary life is
                                                              rooted in the invisible realm of the soul. Harmony
                 thinkers--they have little patience for abstract
                 ideas or fantasy--and yet, intuition gives them
                                                                and empathy are such strong motivators  that
               the ability to see goals and opportunities invisible
                                                                 no matter what field the INFP participates in-
               to others.  Law business and finance are top oc-
                                                              -administration or law enforcement, the work will
               cupations for ENTJs but musical, artistic, literary or
                                                                 They are most comfortable in higher educa-
               mathematical talent can all be directed toward
                                                                 tion teaching the things they love:  literature,
                 mastery of skills, and then control of whatever   somehow get tilted towards values and peace.
                  enterprise the ENTJ is involved in.  They are a   psychology, music and languages.  Only a few
               disruptive force for change--Young Turks--a large   people can make a living on poetry, so these
              percentage of ENTJs can be found in startup and   tend to go into counseling because they make
                        in venture capital. Strategic thinkers.    empathetic listeners who try to shift everything
                                         Jack Welch.                                 to inner harmony.
                              YRelated Opposite:  INFP                                   JRR Tolkien
                                                                              YRelated Opposite: ENTJ
                                                               Lives in a world where anything seems possible,
                Explores the realms of what can be known,
            INTJ  Film Noir response to the world.  The hallmark   ENFP  can be found in nearly any line of work as long as
                rather than the realms of what can be felt.
                                                              More than any other personality they are geared
                                                               to see potentials without skeptical restraint. They
                   of this personality is sarcasm focused on
                                                              that work allows them to work with people.  To an
                 anomalies.  Like any personality type they
               can be found in a variety of professions--but
                                                               ENFP, people are beautiful and every new pos-
               they’re are found most in the sciences.  They
              make career plans early and don’t often feel      sibility is the best ever.  Happiest when involved
                                                                in the brainstorming process--implementation is
             the need to re-assess their original plans. In ad-  for others. Not generally comfortable in leader-
              dition to natural and laboratory sciences they   ship positions unless it is pushing forward their own
              are drawn to law economics and history.  Not    idea--they tend to be impatient with routine and
                comfortable managing other people--they                      uncomfortable with conflict.
               have little tolerance tolerance for absorbing                             Oscar Wilde
                      co-workers mistakes.  Perfectionists.                     YRelated Opposite:  INTJ
                                 Florence Nightingale
                             YRelated Opposite: ENFP
                                                                Quietest, most intense thinker type.  Spacy,
                 At times they seem entirely devoted to the
            ENFJ  to train teachers , a way to expand their teach-  INTP  a a flexible, sometimes unconventional view
                                                                lives in world of logic.  Drawn to work which
               feelings of others.  They desire to teach--espe-
                                                                allows them time to take things apart, and
               cially moral and emotional teaching. They are
                always steering towards more meaning and
                                                                lay them out in order.   The INTP has a drive
               connection in human relationships.  ENFJs are
                                                               for pragmatic exploration which gives them
              drawn towards lines of work which permit them
                                                                  of life.  They can be found in economics,
                ing impact.  They can be found in universities
                                                                music--anything.  Their most distinct feature
               teaching education, psychology,r eligion and
                philosophy.  An ENFJ who enters the world of   government, education, literature, art history,
                                                                 is that when an explanation for something
               business, science or law will gravitate towards   is presented, the INTP will want to peel back
               any training role available.  They are happy in   another layer and take a deeper look.The INTP
              a variety of environments as long as they have    is absolutely sure there is more to the story.
              a role in creating emotional well being. Person-                Alexander Graham Bell.
                     ality type most likely to believe in God.               YRelated opposite:  ESFJ
                                 Martin Luther King, Jr.
                              YRelated Opposite:  INTP
                 The search for hidden meaning in human
                                                                Rules are the source of their moral vision,-- but
            INFJ  passing strangers, most likely to report extra-  ENTP  still,  they are led to explore and question author-
                  relationships characterizes the INFJs life.
                   Extremely intuitive: catches “moods” of
                                                              ity in all they do.  Intensely competitive they are
                                                              drawn to research and development in in com-
                sensory perception, most likely to go to jail
                                                                 puter programming, mathematics, architec-
               for political protest. Drawn to art and yoga.
                                                               ture, engineering and all branches of science.
              But, music is the special realm of the INFJ: an
              astonishing 21% of professional classical musi-
                                                               other controversy. ENTPs like to be dominant in
                cians are INFJs--all the more surprising since   They drive revolutions in technology and avoid
                                                                creating new things of all kinds.  Competition
              they are the rarest personality type at 1.3% of   is their primary mode of communication.  They
                              men and 1.6% of women.            will one-up anyone nearby, siblings, strangers,
                John Lennon & Mally Strong, Publisher mMD       children, spouses and they adore quiz teams,
                             YRelated Opposite:  ENTP           math teams, invention or robotic challenges.
                                                                                      Thomas Edison
                                                                              YRelated Opposite: INFJ
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