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Financial Feature

           Millards Professional Chartered Accountants

           Change in use of a property

           Nina Nguyen CPA, CA. Senior Accountant

           When there is a change in use of a     Millards Professional Chartered Accountants, Brantford.
           property, there could be a deemed
           disposition resulting in a capital gain.   Designation of a Property as a Principal   Rental property to principal
           A change in use could mean you changed   Residence by an Individual, to claim the PRE.
           your principal residence to a rental property                              residence
           or from a rental property to your principal   Election 45(2)               If you turn your rental property into your
           residence. The deemed disposition would be   You can file an election under subsection   principal residence, you will need to report
           considered at its fair market value (FMV),   45(2), which will defer the recognition   the capital gain on the deemed disposition
           which could be determined by getting an   of the deemed disposition until you sell   on your tax return. However, you can defer
           appraisal for the property. You would then be  the property. This allows you to claim the   the capital gain until you sell the property by
           considered to have reacquired it at the FMV.   PRE for up to four years, even though   filing an election under subsection 45(3).
                                                the property is no longer your principal   Election 45(3)
           Principal residence to rental        residence. For the election to be valid, you
           property                             have to record the rental income on your   This election allows you to claim the PRE for
                                                                                      up to four years, even if you haven’t lived in
           When you turn your principal residence to   tax return, and no capital cost allowance   the property yet. If you claimed CCA on the
           a rental property, the capital gain needs   (CCA) can be claimed. Please note that the   property when it was a rental property, you
           to be reported on your tax return for the   PRE is only allowed to be claimed on one   cannot file this election.
           deemed disposition. However, the principal   property per year. So if you have a new
           residence exemption (PRE) can be claimed   principal residence property and the change   For further information please do not hesitate
           for the years it was your principal residence,   in use rental property, the PRE could only be   to contact us at Millards at (519)759-3511 or
           and the tax on the gain will be exempted.   claimed on one of the property.    visit us at
           You will then need to file the T2091 form,

                                        Learn more at

          Visit us at                                               September 2020             17

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