Page 30 - NARM Model for Working with Affect
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NARM Affect Core Principle: Shame, Guilt & Self-Hatred
What happens when this life force is disrupted?
§The nature of developmental trauma is that caregivers are unable to support the basic psychobiological needs of the child which leads children to foreclose aspects of their true selves in order to adapt to their compromised holding environment
§The foreclosure of basic needs is always shame-based
• e.g., If a child’s basic needs for being held and nurtured are not being met, the child begins to believe there’s something wrong with his need to be held and to receive nurturing
oAdapting to environmental failure is managed through distortion of identity and physiological dysregulation
oThis shame-based mechanism then carries forward into adulthood (through survival styles & identifications)
NARM Model for Working with Affect Laurence Heller, PhD & Brad J Kammer, LMFT, LPCC 35