Page 16 - June 2017 Electrical News 1
P. 16

16 	 JUNE 2017

Introducing Soraa Arc - Boldly Designed, Beautifully Understated

	 Soraa announces             Jeff Parker, Chief Executive  superior light distribution;  	 Soraa Arc ­will               	 “Soraa’s core GaN
their expansion into the      Officer of Soraa. “Soraa      and clean beams delivering    initially be offered in track,  on GaN technology is what
directional luminaire         manufactures the smallest,    beautiful light across a      pendant, downlight, and         makes us different than
market. Soraa’s LED           most powerful LEDs and        multitude of applications.    surface mounted designs as      every other LED company
technology allows the         we intend to use our unique   	 “Having recently            well as with fixture SNAP       in the world,” says Susan
slimmest, most versatile      light source to design and    previewed the Arc             accessories, including trims,   Larson, Vice President at
luminaires in the industry.   develop smaller, more         directional fixtures, our     Snoot and wall washes in        Soraa responsible for the
Lighting specifiers can now   powerful luminaires, giving   customers are thrilled to     a variety of colors. Color      Fixture business and the
confidently implement         our customers truly unique    now have an end-to-end        temperatures will include       design lead for Soraa Arc,
Soraa light—where and         lighting solutions.”          solution from Soraa they      2700K, 3000K and 4000K.         “It’s the science behind
how they want it—with         	 We are proud to             can rely on for a wide        All Arc luminaires feature      our technology that gave
even more options.            introduce Soraa Arc™, the     range of applications,” says  Soraa VIVID™ COB light          my team the ability to
	 “We invented                combination of perfect        George Stringer, Senior       engines with full spectrum      design shallow fixtures,
perfect, full spectrum light  light and modern form.        VP of Sales at Soraa. “And    95CRI, R9>95 and Rw 100         small apertures and narrow
and now we’re applying        Boldly designed and built     because we can now offer      typical. Black and white        clean beams, unmatched
that same passion and         around the slimmest profile   our customers a fully         finishes are standard;          by anyone else. This is
expertise to design and       die-cast heat sink in the     integrated, ultra-thin        custom colors are available     why the Soraa Arc family
invent products that haven’t  industry, Arc is optimized    design with the added         on request. Arc luminaires      is so unique, versus other
existed until today,” says    for superior thermal          benefit of guaranteed         with 9°, 10° and 15° beam       directional fixtures on the
                              management and features       compatibility and best-       spreads are also compatible     market today.”
                              the high quality of light     in-class dimming, we see      with the existing Soraa         	 For more
                              you’ve come to expect from    specifiers beginning to re-   SNAP SYSTEM™ to further         information on the
                              Soraa—an unmatched            think the way they design,    customize beam and light        Arc, please visit: www.
                              balance of full spectrum      by emphasizing rather than    color.                
                              color and white rendering;    hiding luminaires.”           	                               directionalluminaires.

Carson Technology Introduces Lower Cost, More Energy Efficient Glass T8 Tube  

	 Carson Technology           by the driver and LED         Vapor Tights, Wrap            drivers, Carson Technology      maintenance and labor for
introduces a line of Glass    chips, as noted by Owner      Arounds, and open fixtures.   maintains its standard of       installation of their LED
T8 Tubes to bypass the        and Head Engineer at          Carson Technology plans       providing durable and           fixtures.
ballast and run on line       Carson Technology, Dr.        on offering the glass tube    reliable fixtures and can       	 For more
voltage. The 15W T8           Wess Tao.                     as a lower wattage option     provide a 10-year warranty      information, please visit:
Tube with glass lens          	 The glass tube              that will still provide a     on fixtures manufactured        www.carsontechnology.
provides 1,800 lumens         will be offered in addition   high lumen output and         by Carson Technology.           com or ask your local
and is available in both      to the current model          will eliminate fluorescent    Carson Technology also          electrical or lighting supply
frosted and clear lens.       of T8s that come in an        ballasts completely.          strives to provide efficient    house about purchasing
In addition to reducing       aluminum housing and a        	 With a focus on             lighting solutions that not     Carson Technology fixtures.
some manufacturing costs      polycarbonate lens. These     using high quality LEDs       only cut energy costs, but
without sacrificing driver    tubes can be incorporated     and components in their       also reduce the required
and LED integrity, the        into various fixtures
glass housing is ideal for    provided by Carson
dispersing the heat created   Technology, including

New Fader-Based, Wall-Mount
Controller AL Fade 6 Pro
Available from Acclaim Lighting

	 Acclaim Lighting            programming. Operating
AL Fade 6 Pro, a simple,      temperatures range from
fader-based, wall-mount       32º F to 104º F (0º C to 40º
DMX controller designed       C).
for single and multi-color    	 IP Rating IP20
LED lighting products. AL     for dry locations, TC 1
Fade 6 Pro features six-      PRO includes a two-year
channels of DMX output,       limited warranty. For more
six user programmable         information visit:
presets (static color or
moving sequence), and a
master dimmer function. It
also comes with an
infra-red remote control for
wireless operation up to 30
	 With AL Fade 6
Pro, there’s no need for an
external junction box; it’s
hardwired directly to the
back panel for 12-24VDC
and DMX. Operating at 12-
24VDC, 500 mA, AL Fade
6 Pro has six DMX Input
channels that override
dimmer levels for external
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