Page 125 - SeptOct Grocery Catalogue
P. 125

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price                     NGM

     825500  Apple Cider Vin with Manuka Honey .............................................................................750ml  11.72  15%  S  9.96  8 14422 02265 2  B
     825400  Org Manuka Honey Drops Ginger ...................................................................................120g  7.43  15%  S  6.32   8 14422 02100 6   A  G  O      K            B
     825405  Org Manuka Honey Drops Lemon ...................................................................................120g  7.43  15%  S  6.32   8 14422 02099 3   A  G  O      K            B
     825410  Org Manuka Honey Drops Eucalyptus .............................................................................120g  7.43  15%  S  6.32   8 14422 02098 6   A  G  O      K            B
     825415  Org Manuka Honey Drop Fennel&Cinn ............................................................................120g  7.43  15%  S  6.32  8 14422 02251 5  O  B
     825420  Org Manuka Honey Drops Echinacea ..............................................................................120g  7.43  15%  S  6.32   8 14422 02288 1   A  G  O  N  K            B
     825425  Org Manuka Honey Drops Ocean Mint ............................................................................100g  7.43  15%  S  6.32  8 14422 02349 9  O  N  B
     825615  Org Manuka Honey Pops Variety Pack ............................................................................120g  7.43  15%  S  6.32  8 14422 02216 4  A  G  O  B

     WHISPS - NEW                          1-833-4WHISPS
     Light, crunchy Whisps Cheese Crisps are made of 100% “wheel” cheese for a deliciously low carb, high protein, and gluten free snack to beat even your cheesiest cravings.
               SAVE 7%   LINE DRIVE SEP

     962100  Tomato Basil Cheese Crisps - New .............................................................................12x60g  54.32  7%  S  50.52  1 00 88231 17528 8  G  B
     962105  Cheddar Cheese Crisps - New ....................................................................................12x60g  54.32  7%  S  50.52  1 00 88231 17504 4  G  B
     962110  Parmesan Cheese Crisps - New .................................................................................12x60g  54.32  7%  S  50.52  1 00 88231 17498 8  G  B
     WHOLLY NOGGIN                                        W
     Four (4) organic vegan wholefood nutrition bars which are free of gluten, dairy, soy, corn & peanuts. Wholly Noggin bars are made from some of the oldest and best ?superfoods? known to be excellent for
     good brain, heart and eye health, optimally refueling our bodies and noggins without any ?empty calories?.  Each bar provides equivalent nutrients found in three (3) servings of fruit and veggies, Omega
     3 like 2 to 4 servings of salmon, protein like 1 ? 1.3 eggs, fibre found in 2-4 slices of whole wheat bread while furnishing a good source of 19 vitamins and minerals. Its real food providing a well-balanced
     snack or lite meal.
     919900E Wholly Noggin Floor Display ...................................................................................................  0  E
     919101  Dark Chocolate Walnut Blueberry .............................................................................12 x 50g   31.62      6 28504 29806 0      G  O  N      V         M
     919106  Dk Choc. Almond Superberries .................................................................................12 x 50g   31.62      6 28504 29808 4      G  O  N      V         M
     919111  Walnut Blueberry ......................................................................................................12 x 50g   31.62      6 28504 29805 3      G  O  N      V         M
     919120  Almond Superberries ................................................................................................12 x 50g   31.62      6 28504 29807 7      G  O  N      V         M
     WIZE MONKEY                                          W

     BROKERED BY  Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing                           (604) 839-7640
     Wize Monkey creates an award-winning beverage: Coffee Leaf Tea, made from coffee leaves processed using tea techniques. It is smooth, rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, and has a similar caffeine to
     green tea. It revolutionizes the coffee industry by bringing a secondary income source and year-round jobs for coffee producers.
              SAVE 10%   LINE DRIVE SEP

     963900  Wize Monkey Counter Top Display ........................................................6 boxes x 15 tea bags   48.66      6 27843 50888 5   A  G      N      V         E
     963905  Wize Monkey Shipper Display .................................................................................. 1 Display   243.36   10%  S  219.02   6 28250 38727 8            N      V
          Contains 36 units: 12 x Coffee Leaf tea Original (963100), 12 x Mango Party (963105), 12 x Earl Grey (963110).
     963100  Coffee Leaf Tea Original ........................................................................................15 tea bags   6.76   10%  S  6.08   6 27843 33400 2   A  G      N      V         B
     963105  Coffee Leaf Tea Mango Party ................................................................................15 tea bags   6.76   10%  S  6.08   6 27843 50883 0   A  G      N      V         B
     963110  Coffee Leaf Tea Earl Grey ......................................................................................15 tea bags   6.76   10%  S  6.08   6 27843 50884 7   A  G      N      V         B
     963115  Coffee Leaf Tea Minty Marvel ................................................................................15 tea bags   6.76   10%  S  6.08   6 27843 50882 3   A  G      N      V         B
     963120  Coffee Leaf Tea Jasmine .......................................................................................15 tea bags   6.76   10%  S  6.08   6 27843 50885 4   A  G      N      V         B
     963130  Coffee Leaf Tea Strawberry Hibiscus ....................................................................15 tea bags   6.76   10%  S  6.08   6 28250 38707 0   A  G      N      V         M
     963135  Coffee Leaf Tea Ginger Lemon ..............................................................................15 tea bags   6.76   10%  S  6.08   6 28250 38706 3   A  G      N      V         M
     963140  Coffee Leaf Tea Discovery Pack .................................................................. 16 gr - 7 Teabags   4.73   10%  S  4.26   6 27843 50886 1   A  G      N      V         M


                           PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 14 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
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