Page 78 - SeptOct Grocery Catalogue
P. 78

          NEW                                                                                             FRIENDLY

                                        “ridiculously delicious”

                                                                                                 Suzie Yorke
                                                                                                 Founder & CEO
                                                                                            Our 3 NEW chewy-nutty
                                                                                            flavours are here! We have
                                                                                            paired delicious, crunchy
                                                                                            nuts with a bit of chewiness
                                                                                            to give you ridiculously
                    dark chocolatey           salted                peanut                  delicious bars with
                   sea salt & almond         caramel               chocolatey               only 1g of sugar.

                  Crunchy almonds paired   Crunchy almonds paired   Crunchy peanuts
                    with sea salt and a   with salted caramel      paired with a
                     delightful dark     flavours and a delicious   delightful dark
                    chocolatey coating.  white chocolatey coating.  chocolatey coating.


            †         Connect with us    
           *On select flavours only

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