Page 29 - 當代藝術展覽企劃書
P. 29

피그룹 카심 회장 .
       중동에 K- 아트 비춘 ' 빛의 어머니 '
       설치미술가 안종연 UAE 서 대규모개인전성황 ... 강판 - 유리등독특한 재료로 표현한빛 . 우주의본질
       세계가 주목
       Moha depicted line portrait of Abu Dhabi's kings by pecking dots on high-strength stainless
       steel plates.
       This attracted the attention of many locals, most notably the Chairman of Al Sharaf Group
       who sponsored the exhibition (Left).
       'The Mother of Light' enlightens the Middle East with K-Art
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