Page 19 - Dar and Winny
P. 19

Dar and  VVinny                                                                                                          17

               Hey  Winny,  rve                                                  rm nothing more  than  a  random
               worked  out what                                               collection  of  molecules  assembled
               I  believe  as                                                      by  mere  chance,  because  of  a
               an  evolutionist!                                                     cosmic  explosion  that  took
                                                                                     place  billions of  years  ago!

                    That  means  there's  no real                                Wow!  the                            Sorry,
                    purpose  to life,  and when  I                               evolution view                     I  missed
               die,  my  atoms  will  be recycled  in                            has  so  much                     that  part,
                  a  cold,  dark,  dying  universe!                              positive                          could  you
                                                                                 to  say!                            read  it
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