Page 8 - Amazing Creations Volume Two
P. 8

Amazing Creations                                                                            31

                                                                                             Richard Gunther

              The Japanese mudskipper has many amazing features.
              It lives in tidal mudflats - a tough place to live because sometimes
              there is plenty of water, and sometimes there is none.
              The mudskipper breathes through its skin, and also through gills.
              When water is scarce, it locks its gills shut and holds water in.
              It walks with its pectoral fins, as well as swims with them.
              It uses its mouth to burrow to avoid the sun, to avoid predators
              and to lay eggs.

              When it comes to egg-laying, the male digs a tunnel shaped like
              a J on its side.  He lures the female in, she lays her eggs, he fertilizes
              them, then he guards them. He regularly gulps air and releases it in
              the egg-chamber till they hatch.

              How does he know his eggs need a regular supply of fresh air?
              How does he know he has to gulp air and release it?

              God, who made the guppy,
              gave it the wisdom
              and the skill.
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