Page 3 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020-1
P. 3

          Botswana Life


          Successfully Amid

          COVID-19 Pandemic

                  fter successfully executing and running the  business’
                  brand positioning campaign last year, Botswana Life is
                  excited to announce the re-launch of the Life & More
         A2.0 campaign coming soon. Life and More illustrates
          some of the challenges faced by Batswana and how these can be
          remedied by having Botswana Life as a partner. This is part of the
          Company’s  commitment  to  being  Botswana’s  first  choice  in  life
          insurance based financial solutions and advisory services.

          According to Botswana Life  Public  Relations, Communications
          and  Marketing  Manager  Gabriel  Tlagae,  the  re-launch  of  this
          content  lead  campaign will further assist  stakeholders  in fully
          understanding  the  Company’s  product  offerings  and  services
          including  the  different  digitalisation  initiatives  it  will  also  be
          “Botswana Life has featured on the Most Admired Brands this year
          by Brand Africa, listing number four within the financial space and
          number one on the insurance platform,” added Tlagae. Botswana
          Life Chief Executive Officer, Ronald Samuels dedicated the award
          to all Batswana highlighting that without them Botswana Life
          would not be the successful legacy brand it is that prides itself with
          always putting its customers first.
          Some of the innovative solutions & precautionary measures being
          executed during this pandemic include Botswana Life improving
          existing innovations that enhance the business interactions with
          clients. Furthermore, the  Company has  undergone  a rigorous
          Contact Centre  transformation which sees  the  easy  to reach
          3263700  line  now  offering  an  extensive  bouquet  including
          email, fax-to-email capacity, direct contact centre social media
          interaction, WhatsApp access and webchats.

          To add on, it is also working around the clock on other exciting digital
          features which will truly delight customers and provide ease when
          transacting with the Company. “Botswana Life continues to adhere
          to official guidance by relevant authorities, with the  safety and
          wellbeing of all stakeholders being the business’ utmost priority.
          Continued COVID-19 precautionary measures  that include but
          are not limited to registration of all visitors, staff and customers,
          temperature checks, hygiene and enhanced sanitization in line
          with Government advisory are always communicated, advised and
          practiced in all branches countrywide,” concluded Tlagae.

                                                                               Noble Magazine   //   July - August 2020  3
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