Page 6 - The Outdoor Showman July - September 2023
P. 6

   Kan-i-va go,
at the Kaniva Show
Country shows have been an important part of rural communities all around Australia since settlement.
The small Wimmera farming town of Kaniva (pop 891) in Victoria near the South Australian border is no exception with its first show being held in 1884 attracting
a crowd of 1,200 people.
By 1886 a special train ran show goers from both neighbouring towns swelling the crowd to between 1,500 - 2,000 on Budjik Hill (Budjik being the town’s original name).
The show featured 800 entries in 1887 - the largest number of entries in the Wimmera. Early shows even had a section for the ‘most sparrow heads collected’, with the first place getter collecting 1,300 sparrow heads.
The Kaniva Show was also
renowned for being the biggest and most contested Merino Ram Show in Victoria from the twenties right through to the sixties.
The Kaniva Show with its diverse committee is stronger than
ever and punching well above its weight for a small town.
The Kaniva Show has not been without its challenges over the years; red tape, office bearers, volunteers, sponsorship and a struggle to attract rides have been just some of the issues. Despite these challenges, the show remains strong due to its ability to innovate and attract new volunteers.
The committee embraces all
ages, new-comers to town, in fact anyone willing to put up their hand and give it a go. Young people are encouraged to become stewards through a mentoring initiative promoted through the local school.
There’s a clear sense of generational pride with families encouraging younger generations to continue family traditions
of entering and showing. Last year, one family with two life members, celebrated with four generations entering the show.
The show has been active in encouraging the whole community to get involved, with Lions Club, the school, the volunteer emergency services, churches and others
all involved, along with strong support from local businesses.
In recent years the Kaniva Show was selected by the Primary Industries Education Foundation to trial ‘Grains and Legumes’ interactive banners.
In 2021 they were selected by the Victoria Racing Committee to host the Lexus Melbourne Cup 2021 event.
Our up and coming rural ambassador

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