Page 17 - The Outdoor Showman APR-JUN 2019
P. 17

 Reg Established 1939
The Showmen’s Guild of South Australia
Showmen’s Guild of South Australia
 P.O. Box 276
Two Wells, S.A 5501 Mobile: 0418 819 994
Office Bearers 2019 PRESIDENT
Daryl Girdler
Alan Lynch
Phillip Hamilton
Averil Lynch
Matt Hamilton Tamara Allen
Brad Girdler Alex Hamilton Luke Dankowski Clayton Smans Michael Leighton Garry Lynch Wayne Lynch Heather Lynch Colin Leighton
Robert Perry Ivan Venning
Peter Worley Brent Leighton
Lazarus P Christou
  A big hello to all Showmen, Show Societies and
friends of our Industry
At present the mad match season is once again behind us and we are well into maintenance programs.
In March I had the pleasure of meeting, for the first time , the lovely editor of the Outdoor Showman Justine who makes sure my article goes to print corrected and readable so thank you Justine; as after many emails over the years it was great to put a face to the name!
We are in an extremely frustrating situation with the gods of our state, as they are now demanding that we must prove that some our rides are manufactured pre 1996 to be able to avoid design registration.
When this was first asked of me in particular, I presented information to them and was handed my application back at the counter where it was presented, even though in my mind I was convinced there was enough evidence to support the fact.
How can a ride be designed after 1996 if the company that built the ride closed in 1986?
Even more frustrating a situation is that some members are lodging design registration documents only to have them scrutinised to the tenth degree and being sent back with discrepancies, then when rectified and re-lodged, even more requirements are being put on the applications.
It just seems that the department that regulates us are holding our Industry back, and it may be time for us to make a stand to a higher entity in the government department to get clarification on what is required, as at present the buck stops at one official.
We have a couple of applications in the system at the moment and I will know more at a later date and will report through this forum in a later issue.
Until then, as always I wish you all safe prosperous trading,

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