Page 22 - The Outdoor Showman APR-JUN 2019
P. 22

  The fun of the figures:
• Over125,000visitorson
Good Friday and 437,935 across the entire Easter weeken
• 25,000entrantscompetedacross 42 competitions and over 5,500 competitionclasses
• $18,663,261.20inwoolsales over two days
• $25,000fortheVictorChang Cardiac research Institute at the 21st Charity Steer Auction
• 4,000votesforthepeople’schoice
at the District Exhibits display – our highest public vote ever and a massive showofsupportforourbattling regions
• 1,000schoolchildrenonPrimary Preview day
• 1,000Eastereggsadaysold by Darrel Lea
• 15,000cheesetoastiessoldevery day, along with 600 corn-on-the-cobs devoured every hour of the Show
• 100hoursofcompetitioninthe woodchop with 240 competitors from 5countrieschoppingthroughmore than 4000 blocks

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