Page 34 - The Outdoor Showman APR-JUN 2019
P. 34

 Classified Advertising Form
   Fill out your details clearly and send them away with your payment to “The Victorian Showmen’s Guild”. P.O. Box 36, Ascot Vale, Vic. 3032
Name: Address:
Phone: ( )
q For Sale q Wanted q Services q Personal
Please run this ad in issue/issues ticked below
q Other
Classified Amount: $110.00
1 Copy of TOS (Cross out if not req’d): $ 25.00
Total Amount: $
     q July – September 2019 q October – December 2019
q January – March 2020 q April – June 2020
Multiply the total price of your ad by the number of issues requested above for the full total to be paid.
Classified Advertisements cost $110.00 (includes GST). Just fill out our easy to follow section below.
Please leave one space between the words and send it away with your payment. (Payable to The Victorian Showmen’s Guild)
 Payment options: q Cheque/Money Order Card Holders Name:
Credit Card No:
Expiry Date: /
q Visa q Mastercard
 Credit Card Verification No:
     Please leave one space between the words.

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