Page 32 - Sensitive Guys Playbilll 08.15.20
P. 32


      $500 - $999
      Angela Koenn                        Pat and Jim Sebastian
      Sally R. Lancaster                  Diana Shelby
      Lisa Callis Landrum                 Dan and Vicky Shelledy
      Kim and Mark Lowes                  Elise Sheppard
      Isabelle and Eric Mayer             Dr. Janis Smeal and Mill Aller
      The Meadows Foundation              Beth and Sid Smith
      Jose M. Méndez and Darlene V. Méndez  Beth and David Speck
      Phil and Joan Morabito              Mimi Swartz and John Wilburn
      Gina Pattison                       Nancy Sympson
      Lynette Pebernat                    Carmen and Peter Weber
      Janet Redeker                       Blake Weisser
      Floyd Robinson                      Michael Weller
      Ellen and Isaac Rosen               Susan T. Whitfield
      Bryan Scrivner                      Rev. Francene Young

      $250 - $499
      Rita and Jeffrey Aron               Johnella Franklin
      Elizabeth Bauer                     Alexa Georges
      Shirley Blanton                     Donna and Chuck Grehn
      Pam and Les Bohn                    Rita and Mike Grogan
      Gloria and Robert Booth             Gloria Alvarez and Dean Gulick
      BP Foundation                       Gene Gunderson
      Linda and Robert Butler             Katherine Hale
      Roxi Cargill and Peter Weston       Louisa Hayward
      Gean Clark                          Jeffrey and Sheila Heinle
      Mark Clegg                          Lisa H. Helper
      Siobhan and John Dagleish           Hilda Herzfeld
      Mark and Patti Day                  Andres Hirschfeld, Michael and Wilma
      Francine and Vincent DiCosimo       Frank Hood
      Lee Ditta                           Terry Knell
      Kirk Domer                          Anna Larson
      Iveta Eilands                       Kathy and Bob Lassalle
      Nancy Ellison                       John Lindley
      Lisa Estes                          Kathie and Milton Magness
      Don and Cindy Farrell               Michael and Vanessa Manners
      Bryce Ferguson                      John C. Matejka
      Albert Haertlein and Cala Ferrano   Rebecca and R. Scott Mccay
      Rajada Fleming and Dr. Mark Fleming  Jack McCoy and Patricia Roetzel-McCoy
      Bob Frahm and Sandy Vertucci        Holly and Lawrence McTague
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