P. 15

For 100 years, Formula One has stood as the highest class   Aerodynamics was that technological
       of motor racing. As is the case with any other sport, it too   development, although it was around for
       had started as a form of entertainment, but its long and       a long time, the introduction of Airfoil
       intricate history had turned it into the multi-billion dollar   had placed it among the top priorities for
       sport that it is today. Formula One was first sanctioned by    vehicles trying to achieve high speeds. The
       Federation Internationale de l’ Automobile (FIA) in 1950       results achieved by the application of Aero-
       and ever since it has been branded as the most sought after    dynamic downforce were astonishing. This
       racing sport. As is the case with an event occurring in that   aerodynamic revolution overwhelmed the
       dreadful period, Formula 1 was also affected by World War      engineers of F1 cars as the bar for preci-
       II. The conflict between the nations in 1946 had resulted      sion had been increased drastically. Every
       in the suspension of initial races, in what was already a      little aspect was to be carefully studied to
       non-championship year. Next year saw the formalisation of      produce the fastest car on track. This also
       the championship races in Formula One and the races had        provided a chance to the engine providers
       been renamed as Grand Prix, meaning grand prizes.              Ferrari, Mercedes, Renault and Honda to
                                                                      advertise their engineering expertise to the
       From the very beginning, F1 racing inspired excitement,        public by innovating the fastest car at that
       prevailing from its unpredictability, in every ‘Speed-Freak’   time. There were major improvements in
       of their time. In the first three decades, the Grand Prix held   F1 cars, the materials, the tires, the design,
       in a year were limited as nobody attempted to predict the      everything had to be changed. In simple
       future it would have. The races, as said by some critics of    terms, Formula One was reborn from the
       Formula One, were literally playing with the lives of Drivers.   ashes of its ancestors.
       The reason for such criticisms was the lack of proper safety
       for drivers around the race track; unlike today, there were       The inclusion of aerodynamics in For-
       no mobile medical units placed around the track, and this      mula One led to extensive experimenting.
       meant certain death for any Driver colliding into something    The results weren’t always promising, there
       at the speed of 290kmph. Due to an alleged lack of techno-     were a lot of misfires and accidents in
       logical and financial aid, or utter neglect, the problem of    the second era. The safety measures were
       safety was not solved in the first era of Formula One.         improved, but accidents were caused more
                                                                      by mechanical fault than by the Driver’s
       Against all these odds, in 1950 the first man to be declared   fault. There was no room for error on the
       the world champion of F1 racing was Giuseppe Farina,           Driver’s part in this era as all the Engines
       almost losing the championship to Juan Manuel Fangio,          produced nearly the same speed. Stra-
       who later went on to win a record-setting 5 Championships,     tegic Driving became vital for winning
       earning him the name of the Grand Master of F1. Apart          races. Drivers started to be more daring
       from the inclusion of new rules, technological twitches, and   on the track but practised caution where
       quite a number of tragedies, the first era of Formula One      it was necessary. They raced not for mon-
       did not see much change from its infant years. By the end of   ey but for the glory that will follow the
       the first era, a new technological development was gradually   world champions. There were no heroes
       taking over the Automobile industry, little did people know    who braved a fatal curve in this era, but
       that this would change Formula One and inherently the way      rather heroes who slowed down when it
       cars are made.                                                 was required. The greatest Driver this era
                                                                      produced was Ayrton Senna, who believed
                                                                      he had a god given right to win. Senna
                                                                      won three world championships before his
                                                                      untimely demise in ’94. Apart from psy-
                                                                      chological stress, there were also concerns
                                                                      about the new modifications made by the
                                                                      Engineers to his then car, Williams FW16.
                                                                      He was the causality of a mechanical fault.
                                                                      For quite some time the Beast seemed to
                                                                      rule over men.                          06
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