Page 13 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
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Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale Policy Manual
The following manual outlines the policies and procedures of Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale. Changes to the policies must be approved by the Board of Governors. Updates will also be reviewed by the Board Safety Committee. Safety in Club facilities and during all Club activities is our number one priority and shall be maintained and operated in a reasonable and prudent manner to protect children, employees, volunteers and visitors. Each Club facility shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws for protection and safety.
In addition, all Clubs will adhere to all membership required Boys & Girls Clubs of America policies.
Any perceived policy conflicts must be brought to the immediate attention of the CEO to determine the best action forward. Staff do not have the authority to violate/change policy without the direct approval of the CEO. All questions, concerns, or points of clarity should be shared by the staff with his/her immediate supervisor. If the supervisor is not able to provide clarity, the issue will be elevated through the supervising structure of the organization. Emergency or time sensitive issues needing immediate clarification must be brought to the attention of the CEO, COO, and/or Human Resource staff.
Organization policies are rules and guiding principles established to provide direction. Organization procedures are the steps or actions taken to carry out the rules. Organization procedures are detailed in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Manual which is to be used in concert with the policies provided by the organization.
Having clear reporting policies and procedures is an important step in responding to incidents that may occur in Clubhouses. Organizations must document all safety incidents that may impact staff, volunteers, members, and others that visit Clubhouses.
Any employee or volunteer of Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale who becomes aware of a safety incident or rule violation, as defined in this policy manual, shall immediately report it to the COO and Director of HR. Unless otherwise instructed, leadership is responsible for reporting the applicable incidents to authorities and BGCA and executing the organization’s Crisis Communication Plan. Most incidents require reporting within 24 hours of occurring. Expeditious and detailed documentation is a must to ensure accurate information is provided to the proper sources as they handle the urgent situations.
No manual can include all probable incidents. Staff are expected to use their best judgement, as well as, seek guidance from their supervisor and administrative staff as they manage situations. When unsure, ask for support. When sure, communicate with supervisor to ensure knowledge is shared appropriately and be sure to document. This manual should work in concert with other operational guidelines provided by the organization.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have received, read and agree to follow the policies and procedures of Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale.
Print Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ 9

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