Page 37 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 37

HUMAN RESOURCES (Policy No. 200-223)
Operations Personnel
Policy No. 200 – Branch Staff, Volunteers, and Contractors Expectations
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale is entrusted with the guidance, mentoring, and role modeling for the youth served. Our programs are open to youth ages 5 to 18 of all backgrounds. Safeguards exist to ensure that we attract, hire, and retain those prepared to contribute to the future success of all children served by the organization. Child safety is not negotiable. We will not allow disrespectful, hostile, or inappropriate behavior in our facilities, on our vehicles, or during our services.
All youth served by Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale will be served in an environment that is physically, emotionally, and mentally safe. All those serving youth, families, and the organization in any capacity are expected to embody that standard. We also expect our volunteers and guests to adhere to this standard.
Policy No. 201 – Dress Code Policy
All staff members should dress and present himself or herself in a manner that demonstrates professionalism, pride, and good judgment. All clothing must be neat, clean, and sized appropriately for the individual staff member. Staff not meeting dress code may be sent home without pay to change.
It is extremely important that staff working at or visiting Club branch locations be visually identifiable as a BGCS employee to members, parents/guardians, or other guests. Therefore, a Club- issued badge or nametag is required for all employees while working in or visiting a Club facility. Club-issued attire displaying the BGCS logo must be removed prior to consuming or purchasing alcohol and before entering a drinking establishment.
The following represents the minimum standards for dress for all BGCS employees, unless otherwise specified in the guidelines below. Please discuss this policy with your supervisor, and if you have questions about the acceptability of your dress, please ask. The Club recognizes the importance of individually held religious beliefs to persons in our workforce. BGCS will reasonably accommodate an employee’s religious beliefs in terms of workplace attire unless the accommodation creates an undue hardship or safety issue. Staff requesting a workplace attire accommodation based on religious beliefs should be referred to Human Resources.
• Jewelry: Jewelry should be simple and not excessive. Jewelry, including but not limited to, earrings, neck chains, or rings which present a safety issue or hazard are not permitted. Large ear gauges are not permitted for safety reasons (large = 1/2 inch or more).
• Professional/Business Casual Attire: Professional or business casual attire is preferred, keeping in mind that articles of clothing that are too short, expose the midriff, expose undergarments, low cut, revealing, or too short are considered inappropriate and unacceptable.

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