Page 9 - Parker - Process control product selection guide
P. 9

MPCB Series (Catalogs 4234 and 4135-CV)
                                            •  Metal to metal seat for use in   •  MPI , cone & thread and female
                                              applications that cannot accept   NPT connections available
                                              fluorocarbon rubber             •  For pressures up to 20,000 psi
                                            •  5 psi (.345 bar) cracking pressure  (1379 bar)

                                            LC Series (Catalog 4135-CV)
                                            •  For extreme temperature        •  The gravity assisted poppet uses
                                              applications                     reverse flow to achieve a seal to
                                                                               within 99.9% of forward flow

                                                 Cracking   Body
                                  Temperature  Cv  Pressure  Material    Seal Material       End Connections

                         Maximum                             Stainless Steel  Parkercarbon  Buna-N Rubber  Ethylene Propylene   Highly Fluorinated   Fluorocarbon  Fluorocarbon Rubber  Neoprene Rubber
             Valve    Model   Operating                         Parkerfill/  Rubber
            Groups  Series  Pressure  Min  Max  Max  Max  Brass                        Metal  PTFE  Min  Max  Catalog
                          6,000 psi   -65 F   400 F   100 psi                                1/8 in   1 in
                    C                       6.70         x   x      x  x   x   x  x      x              4135-CV
                          414 bar  -54 C  204 C   6.9 bar                                    3 mm  25 mm
                          6,000 psi   -15 F   400 F   100 psi                                1/4 in   1/2 in
                    CO                      2.70             x      x  x   x   x                        4135-CV
                          414 bar  -26 C  204 C   6.9 bar                                    6mm  12mm
                          3,000 psi   -65 F   450 F   120 psi                                3/8 in  3/4 in
                    CB                      6.00             x  x                                       4135-CV
             Check        207 bar  -54 C  232 C   8.27 bar
             Valves      20,000 psi   -10 F   400 F   5 psi                                  1/4 in  1 in  4234 and
                    MPC                                      x      x  x   x   x
                          1379 bar  -23C  204 C   .345 bar                                              4135-CV
                         20,000 psi   -100 F   600 F   5 psi                                 1/4 in  1 in  4234 and
                   MPCB                                      x                        x
                          1379 bar  -73 C  316 C  .345 bar                                              4135-CV
                          6,000 psi   -100 F   900 F                                         1/8 in  1/2 in
                    LC                      2.30             x                        x                 4135-CV
                          414 bar  -73 C  482 C

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