Page 2 - Parker - Fulflo TruBind 300 Cartridges
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     Fulflo  TruBind   300 Cartridges

     Specifications                       Technology                            Performance
                                          Unlike competitive technologies in which

                                                                                TruBind absorbent cartridge efficiency
     Materials of Construction:           hydrocarbons are removed through surface   depends upon the residence time of the
       Absorbent:  Proprietary modified polymer  adsorption onto the medium, TruBind   fluid within the cartridge, which is a function
       Support Construction:  100% polyolefin  cartridges utilize a proprietary modified   of the volumetric flow rate.
       Seal Material:  Gasket (Polyethylene   polymer that both absorbs and chemically   1. Hydrocarbon Removal Efficiency:  At
        Foam); 222 O-Ring (Buna-N)        binds the hydrocarbon molecules into its in-  an equivalent flow rate of 1.0 gpm per
                                          terior matrices.  The affinity of the polymeric   10-inch cartridge the TruBind  cartridge
     Maximum Recommended Operating        absorbent for hydrocarbon contaminant
     Conditions:                          is so great that accelerated testing by the   typically reduces trace hydrocarbon con-
       Temperature:                       Toxic Characteristics Leachate Procedure   taminant in excess of 95% in single pass
        150°F (65°C) @ 20 psid (1.4 bar);   (TCLP) indicated the effluent hydrocar-  mode. This efficiency level can be main-
        180°F (82°C) @10 psid (0.7 bar)   bon level in water to be below current and   tained only to a net differential pressure
       Pressure:                          proposed EPA limits.  The modified polymer   of 10 psi. Series or multipass filtration can
        40 psid (2.8 bar) @ 75°F (24°C)   was formulated to control the speed of   virtually eliminate hydrocarbon contami-
       Flow Rate:                         hydrocarbon absorption by eliminating the   nation.
        1.0 gpm per 10-inch cartridge     potential for skin formation at the polymer/  2. Hydrocarbon Absorbent Capacity:
       Changeout Pressure Drop (net):     hydrocarbon interface.  Consequently this   The TruBind cartridge medium has the
        10 psi (0.7 bar)                  polymer, when incorporated into a radial-  potential to remove up to 250 grams (ap-
       Flow Factor:                       flow-design cartridge, insures maximum   proximately one-half pint) of low density
        0.03 psid per 1 gpm at 1cks viscosity   utilization of surface area.  The nature of   hydrocarbon contaminant.On this basis,
        per 10 in cartridge               the polymer makes it an effective absor-  the table below provides expected life
       pH Range:  2 - 12                  bent for free, emulsified and dissolved oils,   data in hours or gallons at several trace
                                                                                 contaminant levels based on a 1.0 gpm
                                          synthetic lubricants, grease and a multitude
        Lengths:  10-40 in (249mm-1016mm)  of organic solvents.                  flow rate per 10-inch cartridge. Absor-
       Outside Diameter:  2-1/2 in (63.5 mm)                                     bent capacity will decrease as density of
       Inside Diameter:  1-1/16 in (27 mm)                                       hydrocarbon  increases.
                                                                                3. Flow Rate Capability:  A maximum
     BioSafety:                                                                  flow rate of 1.0 gpm per 10-inch length
       The TruBind cartridge is classified                                       cartridge is recommended for the most
        as non-hazardous and incinerable.                                        effective removal of trace hydrocarbon
        Disposal must be dictated by local                                       contaminant.
        regulations pertaining to the absorbed
        contaminant.                       Hydrocarbon   Concentration   Hydrocarbon   Estimated   Gallons   Estimated Cost
                                                                    Removal per   Life in   Fluid    per Gallon
     Recommended Vessels:                     (ppm)    (% by weight)   Minute (grams)   Hours   Treated   of Treated Flud
        All standard Fulflo vessels designed for
        2-1/2 in OD cartridges.               10          .001        0.04       106.0     6,330      $ .003
                                              100         .01         0.40        10.6      633        $ .03
                                              1,000        .1         4.00        1.1       63         $ .30
                                           Note: Cost per gallon decreases significantly with longer cartridges.
     Ordering Information


              Cartridge Series    Length         Support Core                              Seal Material
              TruBind Absorbent                 A = Standard Wall  DO = Double-Open-End  A
                            9     9-5/8   244
              Cartridge                           Polypropylene Core                   (standard for  DO seal design)
                            10    9-13/16   249
                            19    19-5/8   498                   DX = DOE w/core extender  N = Buna-N O-Ring
                            20    19-15/16   506                 TC = Single-Open-End   (standard for  TC seal design)
                            29    29-1/4   743                       (222 O-ring seal)
                            30    30-1/16   764
                            39    39     991
                            40    40     1016

     Specifications are subject to change without notification.                        © 2007 Parker Hannafin
                                                                                       Process Advanced Filtration Inc.
                                                                                       All Rights Reserved
                                                                                       SPEC-C8500-Rev. A 01/08

                                                                    ENGINEERING YOUR SUCCESS.

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