Page 4 - Parker - ParMax Filter Vessel
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ParMax  Filter Vessel

          For High-Flow Capacity

           Maximum Operating Conditions
                 Material of      Max. Allowable Pressure   Max. Allowable Temp.
                Construction           (psi @ MAT °F)      (MAT) (°F @ MAP psi)
           Carbon Steel                150 psi (10.3 bar)       250° (121° C)
           Carbon Steel                300 psi (20.7 bar)       250° (121° C)
           304L Stainless Steel        150 psi (10.3 bar)       250° (121° C)
           304L Stainless Steel        300 psi (20.7 bar)       250° (121° C)
           316L Stainless Steel        150 psi (10.3 bar)       250° (121° C)
           316L Stainless Steel        300 psi (20.7 bar)       250° (121° C)

          Ordering Information


             Code      Material    Design    Cartridge  Cartridge  Vessel    Optimal     Inlet/Outlet     Finish
                                               Qty.    Length (in.)  Orientation  Inlet/Outlet   Connection Type
               ParMax    Carbon   U  ASME Code                                                        C  Painted
           PX         C                                                      Size (in.)
               Vessel     Steel               01  1    40   40"  H  Horizontal        F  ANSI 150 lb. fl ange  B  Glass Bead Blast
                                                                            03   3"
                          304L                03  3    60   60"  V  Vertical*        H  ANSI 300 lb. fl ange  P  Passivated
                      G  Stainless            05  5                         04   4"
                          Steel                                 *60" vertical not    F=150 PSI vessel design  C is valid for carbon steel
                                              07  7              recommended.  06  6"  H=300 PSI vessel design design only.
                          316L                                              08   8"
                      S  Stainless            08  8                                                  B & P are valid for
                          Steel                                             10  10"
                                              12  12                                                 stainless steel design only.
                                                                            12  12"
                                              15  15
                                                                            14  14"
                                              19  19
                                                                            16  16"
                                                                            18  18"
          Specifi cations are subject to change without notifi cation.                           © 2010 Parker-Hannifi n Corporation
          For User Responsibility Statement, see                    domnick hunter Process Filtration - North America
                                                                                                          All Rights Reserved
                                                                                  ParMax is a registered trademark of Parker-Hannifi n Corporation
                                                                                                DS_GN_ParMax Vessel  11/11 Rev. A

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