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            22:1 piston pump

                                       Reliability — ARO set out to build a    superior seal wear — extensive                                                 PuMP                RaM                         FolloWER .......
                                    pump to improve flow, reduce pulsations,   laboratory testing with some of the                     Model              Model     Packing   Model     Posts  Model          Description         Material
                                    and extend service; patented “Thunder   harshest materials enables ARO to bring                    RaM PaCkagEs
                                    Motor” pump exemplifies every quality    you a packing design that consistently                   nP322EP43R7-10                                         651840-1                            Carbon steel
                                    a pump should possess                   delivers superior seal wear characteristics               nP322FP43R7-13  NM2322F-11-P43  UHMW-PE  RM051S-C  Single   651841-1  Polyethylene urethane wiper  Stainless steel
                                                                                                                                      nP322EP43R8-10  NM2322E-11-P43                         651840-1                            Carbon steel
                                       serviceability — quick, easy, and       Rugged materials — ARO understands                     nP322FP43R8-13  NM2322F-11-P43  UHMW-PE  RM052S-C  Two  651841-1   Polyethylene urethane wiper  Stainless steel
                                    simple are three words that describe    that a pump’s external materials are as
                                    servicing this pump; ARO offers affordable   critical as the internal materials in terms of                   Popular extrusion accessories
                                    repair kits for both air motor and pump   pump performance, and that’s why we offer
                                    lowers                                  stainless steel and carbon steel options to                             Part no.  Description                              Part no.   Description
                                                                            meet your needs                                                          ExtRusion gun nozzlE kits                         3/8" FluiD PREssuRE REgulatoRs
                                       Maximized pump life —                                                                                       oRiFiCE DiaMEtER 0.031" – 0.375" aVailaBlE        651780-A3A-B   Regulated 400 – 1,250 psi /
                                    ARO pumps feature a visible solvent                                                                           66541-6    Orifice 0.063"                                    3,000 psi max. inlet / stainless steel
                                    cup, adjustable packings, and                                                                                 66541-9    Orifice 0.093"                          651780-B1A-B   Regulated 400 – 1,250 psi /
                                    Wet Sol  lubricant (part                                                                                      66541-12    Orifice 0.125"                                   3,000 psi max. inlet / carbon steel
                                    no. 66334-B) to minimize                                                                                        Manual ExtRusion guns                            651780-B1B-B   Regulated 400 – 1,250  psi /
                                    downtime and extend the                                                                                       651500     For material over 200,000 cP                      5,000 psi max. inlet / carbon steel
                                    life of the pump                                                                                                       3/8" (F) inlet                            651780-B3R-B   Regulated 400 – 1,250 psi /
                                                                                                                                                                                                               5,000 psi max. inlet / stainless steel
                                                                                                                                                  651533   For low- to medium-viscosity fluids
                                                                                                                                                           1/4" NPS (M) inlet                          MatERial FiltERs
                                                                                                                                                                                                     651420-70     1/2" F (2) inlet 1/2" F (1) outlet /
                                                                                                                                                    sWiVEls                                                    6,000 psi max. / 200 micron / CS
                                                                                                                                                  636085     Straight, 3/8" (M) x 3/8" (F) / fabric with
             specifications                                                                                                                                neoprene / 8,000 psi max. working pressure   651422-70     1/2" F (2) inlet 1/2" F (1) outlet /
             ExtRusion PuMP              nM2322x-x1-P4x                                                                                           636088     Z-360°, 3/8" (M) x 3/8" (F) / fabric with         6,000 psi max. / 200 micron / SS
            Lower pump material          Stainless steel OR carbon steel                                                                                   neoprene / 8,000 psi max. working pressure    RaMs
            Plunger material             17-4 stainless steel                                                                                     75364      Straight, for use with 651533 gun /     RM051S-B     Basic ram includes ram air controls only;
                                                                                                                                                                                                               single post
                                                                                                                                                           1/4"-18 NPTF to 1/4"-18 NPSM /
            Air motor                    66915                                                                                                             10,000 psi max. working pressure          RM051S-C     Advanced ram includes ram and pump
            Air motor diameter — in (mm)   3" (76.2)                                                                                                 MatERial hosEs                                            air controls; single post
            Air inlet (female)           1/4 - 18 NPT                                                                                             628081-25   25' - 3/8" x 3/8" RTV / MoistureLok  hose  RM052S-B     Basic ram includes ram air controls only;
            Lower pump model             6710X-P4X                                                                                                628084-25   25' - 1/2" x 1/2" RTV / MoistureLok  hose        two post
            Stroke — in (mm)             3" (76.2)                                                                                                621409-20   20'- nylon hose with thermoplastic cover,   RM052S-C     Advanced ram includes ram and pump
                                                                                                                                                                                                               air controls; two post
            Material outlet (female)     1/2 - 14 NPT                                                                                                      3/8" ID with 3/8" (M) NPT fittings, 5,000 psi   67425   Portability kit for a single post ram
                                                                                                                                                           max working pressure, -40 F to 212 F
            Weight — lb (kg)             29 (13.2)                                                                                                                                                      REDuCER Bushings
                                                                                                                                                  621525-20   20'- nylon hose with thermoplastic cover,
            Air inlet pressure range — psi (bar)   0 – 150 (0 – 10.3)                                                                                                                                 ConnECts PuMP to 3/8- oR 1/2-inCh hosEs
                                                                                                                                                           1/2" ID with 1/2" (M) NPT fittings, 5,000 psi
            Fluid pressure range — psi (bar)   0 – 3,300 (0 – 227.6)                                                                                       max working pressure, -40 F to 212 F      Y45-306-T   1/2" NPT  to 3/8" NPT
            Maximum cycles / minute      120                                                                                                      623511-20   20'- polyamide hose polyurethane cover,   Y45-312-T   1" NPT  to 1/2" NPT
                                                                                                                                                           1/2" ID with 1/2" (M) NPT fittings, 6,500 psi
            Displacement per cycle — cu in (cm )   1.9 (31.1)                                                                                                                                        97141     3/4" NPT  to 1/2" NPT
                                                                                                                                                           max working pressure, -40 F to 140 F
            Cycles per gallon            121.6
                                                                                                                                                  623412-20   20'- polyamide hose with polyurethane cover,   Don’t see what you’re looking for?
            Flow @ 60 cycles / minute — gpm (L/min)  0.5 (1.9)                                                                                             3/8" ID with 3/8" (M) NPT fittings, 6,450 psi
            Noise level @ 100 psi — 40 cpm   85.0 db(A)                                                                                                    max working pressure, -40 F to 140 F      ARO offers a complete line of follower plates, manual and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     automatic extrusion guns, filters, regulators, swivels, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     hoses. Just let us know what you need.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        (800) 495-0276  •
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