Page 5 - Parker - Oil and gas downstream applications filtration solutions for final poduct filtration
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Filter Products for Final Production


     Poly-Mate & Poly-Mate Plus              Fulfl o 336                             Flo-Pac & Flo-Pac +
     A cartridge offering a unique combination of   Cellulosic & Polypropylene pleated cartridge   Pleated premium grade, phenolic impregnated
     polypropylene melt blown and spun-bonded   construction improves fi ltration effi ciency,  cellulosic fi lter media provides long service life,
     media with high surface area and effi ciency.  dirt holding capacity and fl ow rates.  high fl ow rate and low pressure drop.

     Fulfl o 1401                             Glass-Mate
     Absolute rated cartridge available in cellulosic or   Microfi ber glass cartridge offering better
     polypropylene media designed to offer maximized   temperature resistance than standard
     surface area which retrofi ts compatible housings   polypropylene cartridges and absolute rated
     using 1401 style cartridges.            effi ciency for 0.45 - 40 μm.

       Large Diameter                         Large Diameter

     MaxGuard                                ParMax & ParMax Select
     Cellulosic / Polypropylene / Nomex high capacity  Large diameter, high capacity cartridges with
     cartridge product line provides a cost effective   polypropylene pleated depth and microfi ber glass
     alternative to bag media or standard 2-½ inch   media. The unique layered construction provides
     cartridges for high fl ow applications.  excellent retention across a range of fl ux rates.
     DEPTH MEDIA                                                                    LIQUID/LIQUID COALESCERS

       Melt blown                             Stringwound

     MegaBond Nominal                        Honeycomb                              Fulfl o  LC Coalescers
     High purity melt blown fi lter cartridges featuring   Offer superior quality for effective particulate  High perfromance microfi berglass media
     a graded density matrix of uniform polypropylene   removal from 0.5 to 150 μm in a wide variety of   designed to remove dispersed and free water
     fi bers for consistent fi ltration. No fi ber fi nish or   materials for process compatibility.  from hydrocarbons.
      surfactants are present to generate extractables
      leading to foaming or other undesirable effects.
      FILTER VESSELS                         ABSORPTION CARTRIDGES

      Fulfl o cartridge fi lter vessels        Fulfl o  TruBind  300 Filter Cartridge   Twin Filter OILCLOG
      Standard and custom 304 or 316 SS single and   Effective & economical hydrocarbon removal   Absorption cartridges effective in various water
      multi-cartridge fi lter vessels         with enhanced polymeric absorbent cartridges to   treatment applications with high effi ciency
      •  GMP Industrial design with coded options  reduce trace contamination in aqueous fl uids.  removal of free and dissolved hydrocarbons (TPH)
       (ASME, CRN, PED-CE)                                                          and emulsifi ed oils from water.
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