Page 10 - Wago_AutomationTechnology_Volume3_2015_US.pdf
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1    Software
    8 General Product Information

                                           Customized Software Tools          Open to Proven Standards
        Software Factors into Success
                                           Significant challenges must be overcome to
        Projects in production, process and build-  develop, operate and maintain modern machines
        ing automation are characterized by in-  and systems, as well as program, configure and   The software is open to well-established stan-
        creasingly short implementation times, ever   commission applications for building automati-  dards, making it an investment in the future. The
        more complex structures and the increasing   on. Customized software tools are available as   software supports all prominent fieldbuses, for
        role of software as part of the overall   needed for every task — embedded in integrated   example. Thus, WAGO components can be se-
        solution. In fact, software is becoming an   engineering or as a stand-alone tool for a set of   amlessly integrated into engineering software via
        essential factor that influences the success   dedicated functions.    standardized device description files. In addition,
        of a project.
                                                                              connecting controllers to fieldbus systems via
                                                                              WAGO engineering software is an easy task —
        Engineering software is used for both                                 opening up all the advantages of existing field
        machine and system development, as well                               devices.
        as the implementation of building automa-                             Ultimately, WAGO software is based on modern
        tion projects. Runtime software controls the   CODESYS as an Integra-  IT standards and development methods — guaran-
        devices at operating time.         ted Environment
                                                                              teeing long-term viability.
                                           All WAGO controllers are equipped with the
                                           high-performance CODESYS industry standard.
                                           This allows software development in IEC 61131-  Extensive Import and Export Functionality
                                           3 PLC programming languages (ST, FBD, LD, IL,
                                           SFC and CFC). The proven programming environ-
                                           ment guides developers, allowing them to reuse
                                                                              The software tools are impressive with their ability
                                           and further develop existing projects without
                                                                              to exchange project data with external software
                                           relearning software. This means that modern pa-
                                                                              tools involved in the development process, which
                                           radigms, such as Object-Oriented Programming
                                                                              prevents costly, error-prone double entry.
                                           (OOP), or modern visualization technologies are

                                                                              Industry-Specific Configurators
                                           Ready Software Solutions
                                           Premade software solutions or applications sim-
                                           plify automation. Such solutions involve reusable   Whether industry, process or building automation,
                                           software that can be used for the specific applica-  every sector and industry has specific require-
                                           tion by making simple adjustments. This approach   ments. Therefore, plug-ins specifically customized
                                           saves time and money.
                                                                              for the needs of individual industries are available
                                                                              in addition to the common software base. These
                                                                              plug-ins can be used, for example, to measure
                                                                              energy or easily configure a DALI network.

                                            ●  Customized software for every automation task
                                            ●  Extensive import functions from external design tools
                                            ●  Plug-ins for industry-specific development environments
                                            ●  Comprehensive software solutions for various industries
                                            ●  Simple and secure licensing
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