Page 1 - Parker - Power Generation Markets
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Power Generation Markets

        Coreless cartridge fi ltration for chemical

        and radioactive water

        Market Application Publication

        Customer Value
        Within hazardous chemical and
        radioactive water applications, particle
        control can often be costly and
        dangerous requiring effective and
        effi cient fi ltration to meet stringent
        manufacturing specifi cations. In these
        applications, quick fi lter change outs
        are necessary to minimize worker
        exposure to harmful compounds, and
        economical fi lter disposal is key to
        processing plant operations. Parker’s
        unique coreless cartridge design
        address these vital concerns. These
        fi lters are used in vessels containing
        a metal core (post) that can be
        retroactively installed into existing fi lter
        vessels to maximize effi ciency and

        Contact                              Challenge
                                             • Cartridge disposal costs in chemical   • Quick change out time limits worker
                                               production can be very expensive     exposure to chemicals or radiation
        Parker Hannifi n Corporation           - By reducing the fi lter cartridge’s   - Change out of coreless cartridges
        domnick hunter                           mass by 25-40%, fewer drums of       can be fi ve times faster than fi lters
        Process Filtration - North America       contaminated fi lters are required   with cores
        2340 Eastman Avenue                  • Disposal of cartridges used to fi lter   • Expensive and exotic sealing
        Oxnard, California, USA 93030          radioactive water that has washed    materials may be specifi ed and must
                                               tools, clothing, etc., is best done by   be discarded with each traditional
        toll free +1 877 784 2234              incineration                         cartridge
        phone +1 805 604 3400                  - The lower mass of coreless         - Sealing materials are installed on the
        fax +1 805 604 3401                      cartridges can be completely         post and not replaced                  incinerated                       • Tight particle control may be required
                                             • Chemical and radioactive water       in chemical and radioactive water ltration       manufacturers require a wide range   fi ltration
                                               of fi lter medias                     - Coreless cartridges are offered in
                                               - The entire range of pleated fi lter    sophisticated fi lter media and o-ring
                                                 medias can be offered in the         sealed to eliminate by-pass
                                                coreless design
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