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The Parker Solution
Chemical and radioactive water manufacturers can require fi ltration in their processes. Parker has a unique design where
the core of a fi lter cartridge is a permanent fi xture in the fi lter vessel, not each disposable cartridge. Th ese cores, or posts, are
installed once into the vessel. Th e posts may be inserted with o-rings into the vessel and do not need to be removed, or they
can be welded into the fi lter vessel. Th e elimination of the fi lter cartridge’s core reduced the mass of the cartridge 25-40%
and reduces the disposal cost either by fewer waste disposal drums or by incineration. Th e design of the coreless cartridge
decreases the exposure time to workers changing the fi lters fi ve fold.
The recommended Parker fi ltration solutions include:
• Permanent installation of fi lter posts into existing fi lter vessels with o-rings or welds
• If using o-ring seals, determine the o-ring material of choice to meet chemical and thermal specifi cations
• Choose the desired fi ltration characteristics by utilizing the following fi lter media:
- Abso-Mate
- Profl ow II
- Clarifl ow
- Polymate
- Claripor
- Glass-Mate
• Rapid fi lter change outs are accomplished by simply slipping the coreless fi lter over the existing post
Challenge Manage costly and harmful particle control within hazardous chemical and radioactive water
applications to meet stringent manufacturing specifi cations.
Solution Parker’s coreless cartridge designs are used in vessels containing a metal core (post) that can be
retroactively installed into existing fi lter vessels to maximize effi ciency and effectiveness.
Results Increased productivity, decreased costs and minimized worker exposure to harmful compounds.
© 2012 Parker-Hannifi n Corporation MP_PG_Coreless Cartridges Rev. A
domnick hunter Process Filtration - N.A.