Page 3 - Parker - Reservoir Capabilities
P. 3

PT2/PT4 Series with Die Cast Aluminum
                                                                                      Rotational molded fi lter reservoir
         Hydraulic fan drive reservoir fi lter                                        designs (2-4 gallons)
         system (5-10 gallons)
                                                                                      Composite, lightweight designs
         Custom fabricated assemblies with                                            with integral top mounted fi lter and
         special mounting provisions and                                              breather. Flexible geometry allows
         unique geometries that allow for                                             for custom space saving installation.
         easy installation and plumbing.                                              Patented fi lter with microglass media
                                                                                      delivers the specifi c fl uid cleanliness
                                                                                      level while providing for extended
                                                                                      element service life.

                                             Fork/Aerial Lifts

                                                                                      Custom fabricated high volume fi lter
                                                                                      reservoir designs (10-150 gallons)

                                                                                      Reservoir systems that are engineered
    Transit Vehicles                                                                  to meet demanding application
                                                                                      requirements. Available features include
                                                                                      baffl  es for air separation, fi lter breather
                                                                                      assemblies to control atmospheric
                                                                                      contaminant ingression, fl uid level and
                                                                                      temperature gauges and numerous
                                                                                      porting options.



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