Page 16 - Parker Series P1M Toolong Plate Extra Low Profile Pneumatic Cylinder
P. 16

Catalog AU08-0977/NA                              Tooling Plate Cylinder
            Dimensions – Rear Flange Mounted Cylinders        Series P1M

             W                                                    E   R

                             W                                     (4) - øFB          RSQ.
                           USQ.                                                        TF
                             E                                                         UF
                          VIEW  A-A                                                  VIEW  B-B
                                                              A                                           B

                                                              A   S          WH                MF         B
                                                                                ZF2 (ZF3) + STROKE
                                                                                TE2 (TE3) + STROKE

            Rear Flange Mount

              Bore      E        FB       MF        R        S       TF        U        UF       W        WH

               32       48      5.5        8       34       8.3       58      44.5      68       30        7
               40       54      5.5        8       40       8.3       66      50.8      76       30        7
               50       67      6.5        9       50      12.1       79      63.5      90      42.8       8

                              Head Ported Only                   Head and Cap Ported
              Bore      Std. Piston      Magnet Piston       Std. Piston      Magnet Piston
                       TE2      ZF2      TE3      ZF3       TE2      ZF2      TE3      ZF3
               32      55.2     46.9     64.3      56      63.2      54.9     72.3     64.0
               40      55.9     47.6     65.8     57.5     63.9      55.6     73.8     65.5
               50      64.5     52.4     73.4     61.3     70.5      58.4     79.4     67.3

                           Cap Radial Ported Only
                                                                       Rear Flange Mounting Kits can be ordered
              Bore      Std. Piston      Magnet Piston                 assembled to the cylinder or separately as
                       TE2      ZF2      TE3      ZF3                  needed. Please refer to the “How to Order
                                                                       Code” section for proper rear flange mount-
               32      63.2     54.9     72.3      64
                                                                       ing kits associated with a given bore size.
               40      63.9     55.6     73.8     65.5
               50      70.5     58.4     79.4     67.3

                                                                                         Parker Hannifin Corporation
                                                              14                         Des Plaines, IL  USA
                                                                                         Owen Sound, Ontario  Canada
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