Page 2 - Parker - Fulflo MegaBond Nominal Filter Cartridges
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Fulfl o MegaBond Nominal Filter Cartridges
MBN Flow Factors MBN Length
Materials of Construction Aqueous
Filter Medium Rating Service Length Length
100% melt blown polypropylene (µm) psi/gpm per 10 (in) Factor
End Caps/Adapters (optional) in cartridge 9.75 1.0
Polyolefi n copolymer MBN05 0.15 10.00 1.0
Seal Options MBN1 0.13 19.50 2.0
Various; refer to Ordering Information
MBN5 0.11 20.00 2.0
Maximum Recommended MBN10 0.10 29.25 3.0
Operating Conditions
Temperature MBN25 0.09 30.00 3.0
@ 40psid (2.7bar): 80°F ( 27°C) MBN50 0.05 39.00 4.0
@ 20psid (1.4bar): 140°F (60°C) MBN75 0.03 40.00 4.0
Flow Rate
5gpm (18.9 lpm) per 10 in length 50.00 5.0
Flow Rate and Pressure Drop Formulas
Flow Rate (gpm) = Clean ΔP x Length Factor
Recommended Maximum Viscosity x Flow Factor
Change Out P: 30psi (2.1bar)
Operating Differential Pressure @ Ambient Clean ΔP = Flow Rate x Viscosity x Flow Factor
Length Factor
Temperature: 40psi (2.7bar)
Dimensions 1. Clean ΔP ispsi differential at start.
2. Viscosity is centistokes. Use Conversion Tables for other units.
1 ⁄ 16 in. ID x 2 ⁄ 16 in OD (max) 3. Flow Factor is ΔP/GPM at 1cks for 10 in.
10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 in. continuous (or single).
4. Length Factors convert fl ow or ΔP from 10 in. (single length) to
nominal lengths required cartridge length.
Nominal Filtration Ratings (90%)
0.5, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 75 microns
Ordering Information
MBN M — —
Cartridge Code Micrometer Nominal Length End Cap Confi guration Seal Material
Rating (µm)
MBN MegaBond Nominal Code Inches mm Code Description Code Material
Code Description
9-4 9¾ " 248 None DOE (w/o gaskets) None No Seal Material (Std. DOE)
05 0.5
10 10" 254 AR 020/Flat (Gelman) Poly Foam Gaskets w/
1 1 A Collars (DO only)
19-4 19½ " 495 DO DOE
5 5 E EPR
20 20" 508 LL 120 O-ring both ends**
10 10 N Buna-N
29-4 29¼ " 743 LR 120 O-ring/Recessed**
25 25 S Silicone (O-ring only)
30 30" 762 Std. open end/Polypropylene
50 50 OB spring closed end PFA Encapsulated Viton ®
39-4 39 " 991 T
75 75 PR 213 O-ring/Recessed** (222, 226 O-ring only)
40 40 " 1016
V Viton ®
SC 226 O-ring/Flat
50 50 " 1270 Poly Foam Gaskets w/o
SF 226 O-ring/Fin W Collars (DO only)
222 open end/Polypropylene
spring closed end
TC 222 O-ring/Flat
TF 222 O-ring/Fin
TX 222 O-ring/Flex Fin
XA DOE w/Extended Core
Ext. core open end/Poly-
propylene spring closed end
** Available only in 9-¾” (9-4) and
19-½” (19-4) lengths.
Specifi cations are subject to change without notifi cation. © 2010 Parker-Hannifi n Corporation
For User Responsibility Statement, see domnick hunter Process Filtration - North America
All Rights Reserved
Fulfl o is a registered trademark of Parker-Hannifi n Corporation
Viton is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Inc.
DS_IP_MegaBond N Rev. B