Page 6 - Parker - Gearheads and Gearmotors
P. 6

Application Examples

               Plastic Bottle Extrusion                        High Wear and Low Efficiency

               The manufacturer of                             The high level of rubbing (sliding action) between the
               high-performance                                worm and wheel teeth in the worm gearhead caused a
               plastic extrusion                               high gear-tooth-wear rate and a lower efficiency (70%)
               equipment needed a                              than other major gear types.
               drop-in replacement                             Parker SOLUTION:
               gearhead for an existing
               worm gearbox used                               Stealth PS Gearhead and RT
               with their motor                                MultiDrive (hollow shaft) Gearhead
               without having to                               were used in combination to provide
               alter the design of their machine. The gearhead/motor   the required 120:1 ratio. The result
               combination is being used to drive the machine’s   was high-quality plastics sheets that
               rollers, controlling the speed at which the plastic   exceeded the customer’s specifications.
               is extruded into high-quality plastic sheets. The   The Stealth’s all-helical planetary design (HeliCrown
               smoothness of the rollers is critical to the quality of the   Gear Tooth) features extremely high gear tooth
               plastic sheets being produced.
                                                               accuracy, minimizing transmission error and
               Application Challenges:                         velocity ripple. The HeliCrown design features
                                                               extremely high efficiency (95%) while minimizing
               High Transmission Error and Velocity Ripple     tooth wear by providing a pure rolling action.
               The customer used worm gearheads to control the   Parker’s Plasma Nitriding heat-treating process
               rollers. Worm gears exhibit a sliding action of involute   further heightens the gear tooth’s wear resistance.
               gears instead of a rolling action, contributing to the lack   The MultiDrive gearhead features a space-saving
               of smoothness of the machine rollers. Due to the high   bore (hollow shaft) option, eliminating compliance
               transmission error and velocity ripple from the worm   that occurs when coupling a gearhead shaft to the
               drive, the rollers operated at differing speeds. This   rollers being driven. This solution can be used for a
               produced small lines and imperfections on the plastic   variety of applications, including packaging, food,
               sheets, rendering it unusable.                  semiconductor, automotive and medical.

               Food/Packaging Automation

               A manufacturer                                  •  Output Shaft – stainless steel prevents any
               of machines for                                    rust from developing and contaminating the
               gluing, fill, sealing                              processing food.
               and diverting food
               containers for the                              Parker SOLUTION:
               food-processing                                 Stealth PS planetary gearhead with
               industry had a                                  standard F01 food grade special option
               requirement for the motor and gearhead to
               be mounted above the food plane. Certain        Stealth PS planetary gearhead with
               modifications were also needed for the gearhead to   standard food grade option provides
               make it safe for the food environment, and capable   the gearhead with standard modifications including
               to withstand frequent washdowns.                special lubrication, viton seals, special finish and a
                                                               stainless steel output shaft.
               Gearhead Design Considerations:
               •  Lubrication – must be USDA food grade        Since this food grade modification is a standard
                  approved in case of incidental contact to food  option, delivery is only one week over the standard
               •  Sealing –must prevent any leaking as well as   gearhead lead time. (Note: Similar standard
                  prevent any ingress of the fluid during washdown  modifications exist for vacuum, clean room, high
               •  Finish – special FDA-approved finish must    temperature and radiation.)
                  be used making it very durable and resistant
                  to chipping, oxidizing or rusting

               6                   Parker Hannifin Corporation  •  Electromechanical Automation Division  •  800-358-9070  •
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