Page 1 - Parker - Fulflo XTL Filter Cartridges
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        Fulfl o  XTL  Filter Cartridges
        Technologically advanced wound cartridge

        design for doubled cartridge life and
        improved performance

        The unique construction of Parker’s
        patented* Fulfl o  XTL™ (extended life)
        cartridges provides twice the average
        life of conventionally wound cartridges
        for process fl uid fi ltration. Computer
        modeling has optimized the wound
        cartridge geometry maximizing the use
        of the internal cartridge surface area.
        The enhanced design provides im-
        proved dirt-holding capacity (twice the
        average) over standard wound car-
        tridges, while providing true controlled-
        depth fi ltration.
        Fulfl o  XTL cartridges are available in
        nominal (90%) ratings of 1μm, 3μm,
        5μm, 10μm, 20μm and 30μm.

        Contact Information                   Benefi ts

        Parker Hannifi n Corporation          •  Result in signifi cant cost savings   noticeable difference is the extended
        domnick hunter                          based on fewer system interrup-    life savings offered by XTL cartridges
        Process Filtration - North America      tions, decreased labor expenses   •  Extended center cores are available
        2340 Eastman Avenue                     for change outs, & reduced inven-  in tinned steel, 316 stainless steel
        Oxnard, California, USA 93030           tory and cartridge disposal costs  and 304 stainless steel
                                              •  Unique computer programming     •  A special snap-in extender is
        toll free +1 877 784 2234               capability permits the design and   available for polypropylene cores
        phone +1 805 604 3400                   manufacture of special cartridge   •  FDA grade polypropylene (DOE only)
        fax +1 805 604 3401                     constructions to suit requirements   certifi ed to ANSI/NSF61 standard                  of nearly any fi ltration application    for contact with drinking water
                                              •  “M” polypropylene and “C” cotton    components ltration        materials are FDA listed as accept-
                                                able for potable and edible liquid   Applications
                                                contact according to CFR Title 21
                                              •  Continuous strand roving geometry   • Potable Liquids  • R.O. Pre-fi ltration
                                                provides performance consistency  • Organic           • Amines
                                              •  XTL wound cartridges fi t all Fulfl o   Solvents     • Chemical Process
                                                vessels and most competitive     • Process Water
                                                vessels without compromising fi nal   • Photoprocessing
                                                product clarity or fl ow character-  • Lubricants
                                                istics of the cartridge. The most

                                                                           ENGINEERING YOUR SUCCESS.

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