Page 2 - Parker - Fulflo XTL Filter Cartridges
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Fulfl o XTL Filter Cartridges
SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions Length Factors
Materials of Construction 1 in. ID x 2 ½ in. OD (nominal) 10, 20, 30 Length Length
Polypropylene and 40 in. lengths nominal) (in.) Factor
Filtration Ratings 10 1.0
Maximum Recommended 1μm, 3μm, 5μm, 10μm, 20μm and 30μm @ 20 2.0
Operating Conditions 90% nominal effi ciency
Temperature: 30 3.0
Polypropylene: Flow Rate and Pressure Drop Formulas 40 4.0
Flow Rate (gpm) = Clean ΔP x Length Factor
200°F (93°C) with tinned steel or Viscosity x Flow Factor 50 5.0
stainless steel cores;
120°F (49°C) with polypropylene cores; Clean ΔP = Flow Rate x Viscosity x Flow Factor XTL Flow Factors (psid/gpm @ 1cks)
180°F (82°C) with glass-fi lled Length Factor
polypropylene cores Rating Cotton Polypropylene
Cotton: 1 2.00 0.75
250°F (121°C) with tinned steel or stainless 3 0.63 0.33
steel cores;
120°F (49°C) with polypropylene cores; 5 0.36 0.24
180°F (82°C) with glass-fi lled polypropylene 10 0.19 0.14
cores Brand A @ 15psid XTL @ 15psid 20 0.11 0.09
30 0.09 0.07
Recommended Maximum:
Change Out ΔP: 30psi (2.4bar) Most wound cartridges tend to surface load thus preventing Notes:
Operating ΔP @ Ambient Temperature: the maximum use of their internal surface area. As a result of 1. Clean ΔP is psi differential at start.
2. Viscosity is centistokes. Use Conversion Tables for other units.
a unique design and manufacturing process, the XTL cartridge
60psi (4.1bar) allows the maximum use of its internal surface area. Shown 3. Flow Factor is ΔP/GPM at 1cks for 10 in. (or single).
Flow Rate: 5gpm (18.9 lpm) per here are illustrations of typical dirt-loading characteristics of 4. Length Factors convert fl ow orΔP from 10 in. (single length) to
required cartridge length.
10 in. length a standard wound cartridge and an XTL cartridge at 15psi
Ordering Information
Description Micron Rating Fiber Type Core Material End Treatment End Cap Confi guration Seal Material
'Extended Life' Code Material Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Material
Wound Cartridge Code Micron
Cotton None Tinned Steel None No treatment DOE- Double None Std. DOE
1 1.0 C (FDA Grade) None open end
A Polypropylene L Laquer (w/o gaskets) A Polyfoam
3 3.0 Polypropylene
(FDA grade) Glass-fi lled M Singed DO DOE E EPDM
5 5.0 A3 polypropylene
T Polypropylene Std. Open End/ N Buna-N
10 10.0 G 304 Stainless Steel OB Polypro Spring
WC White cotton S Silicone
20 20.0 S 316 Stainless Steel Closed End
V Viton ®
30 30.0 TC 222 O-ring/Flat
Nominal Length Core Cover Material TF 222 O-ring/Fin Packaging Options
Code Inches Code Description SC 226 O-ring/Flat Code Material
9-4 9- 7 ⁄8 None No cover SF 226 O-ring/Fin Individual
10 10 V Non-woven polyester Poly Bag
XA Polypro/Extender
19-4 19-½ Y Polypropylene
Extended Core
20 20 XB Open End/Polypro
Spring Closed End
29-4 29-¼
XC Metal extender
30 30
39-4 39
40 40
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