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        Pre-RO Market Application Publication


        Reverse osmosis (RO) is frequently
        used in the soft drink industry to
        purify incoming water for beverage
        production. RO membranes may
        experience “fouling” due to high
        contamination loads, resulting in
        frequent membrane cleaning cycles
        and loss of production.

                                                              OB = Open End Polypro Spring Closed End

        Contact Information:                   Challenge:

                                               Wound cartridges in use were exhibiting fiber migration problems and had
        Parker Hannifin Corporation            installation issues, resulting in increased downtime and reduced capacity.
        Process Advanced Filtration
        Division                               The customer was using wound filters for filtration prior to its reverse osmosis
        2340 Eastman Avenue                    water purifier.  After each change of filters, the customer noted a decrease in
        Oxnard, California, USA 93030          membrane flux rates for several days.  To rectify this, the customer began to
                                               rinse the wound filters for one day, limiting their capacity to manufacture product.
                                               Challenges they encountered:
        Toll Free: +1 877 784 2234
        Phone: +1 805 604 3400                 •   When performing membrane       •   The customer felt that the metal
        Fax: +1 805 604 3401                     cleaning, fibers were noted on the   springs required for sealing the                      surface of the reverse osmosis     cartridges in the housing were
                                                 membranes.  After investigation,   cumbersome at change-out.                           it was determined that the fibers   •   The customer’s production require-
                                                 migrated from the wound filters.   ment had increased beyond the
                                                                                    capacity of the pre-RO filtration system.
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