Page 2 - Parker - Fulflo Durabond Cartridges
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Fulflo DuraBond Cartridges
Specifications DBC Flow Factors DBC Length
Materials of Construction: Service Length Length Flow Rate and Pressure Drop Formulas
Filter Medium: Thermal Bonded (in) Factor Flow Rate (gpm) = Clean P x Length Factor
bicomponent matrix of polypropylene/ Viscosity x Flow Factor
polyethylene Rating per 10 in 9.75 1.0 Clean P = Flow Rate x Viscosity x Flow Factor
End Caps/Adapters (optional): polyolefin (µm) Cartridge 10.00 1.0 Length Factor
copolymer 19.50 2.0
DBC1 0.109
Seal Options: Various; refer to Ordering 20.00 2.0 1. Clean P is PSI differential at start.
Information DBC3 0.087 29.25 3.0 2. Viscosity is centistokes. Use Conversion Tables
DBC5 0.073 for other units.
Dimensions: DBC10 0.058 30.00 3.0 3. Flow Factor is P/GPM at 1 cks for 10 in
1-1/16 in (27mm) ID x 2-7/16 (62mm) in DBC25 0.031 39.00 4.0 (or single).
OD 40.00 4.0 4. Length Factors convert flow or P from 10 in
10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 in continuous DBC50 0.022 50.00 5.0 (single length) to required cartridge length.
DBC75 0.015
nominal lengths
DBC100 0.012
Maximum Recommended Operating
Conditions: Liquid Particle Retention Ratings (µm) @ Removal Efficiency of:
Temperature: 175°F (80°C)
Pressure: = 10 = 20 = 100 = 1000
100 psid (6.8bar)@72°F (27°C) Cartridge 90% 95% 99% 99.9%
50 psid (3.4bar)@175°F (80°C) 1
Flow rate: DBC1 3 2 4 5
5gpm (18.9 lpm) per 10 in length. DBC3 4 8 10
DBC5 5 10 16 20
DBC10 10 15 25 30
Nominal Filtration Ratings: DBC25 25 30 50 55
(90% efficiency) 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, DBC50 50 70 80 90
100 µm 75
DBC75 100 >100 >100
DBC100 100 >100 >100 >100
Beta Ratio (ß) = Upstream Particle Count @ Specified Particle Size and Larger
Downstream Particle Count @ Specified Particle Size and Larger
Percent Removal Efficiency = ß-1 x 100
( )
Performance determined per ASTM F-795-88. Single-Pass Test using AC test dust in
water at a flow rate of 2.5 gpm per 10 in (9.5 lpm per 254 mm).
Ordering Information
Cartridge Code Micrometer Filter Medium Nominal Length (in) End Cap Configuration Seal Material
Rating (µm)
DBC = DuraBond M = FDA Grade Code in mm None = DOE (w/o gaskets) None = No Seal Material
Cartridge Polypropylene 9-4 = 9-3/4 248 AR = 020/Flat (Gelman) (Std. DOE)
1 10 = 10 254 DO = Double open end (DOE) P = Poly Foam Gaskets
3 19-4 = 19-1/2 495 w/Collars (DO only)
5 LL = 120 O-Ring both ends**
20 = 20 508 LR = 120 O-Ring/Recessed** E = EPR
10 29-4 = 29-1/4 743 OB = Std. Open End/Polypro N = Buna-N
25 30 = 30 762 S = Silicone (O-Ring only)
50 39-4 = 39 991 spring closed end
75 PR = 213 O-Ring/Recessed** T = PFA Encapsulated
40 = 40 1016 SC = 226 O-Ring/Flat Viton* (222, 226
50 = 50 1270 SF = 226 O-Ring/Fin O-Ring Only)
TC = 222 O-Ring/Flat V = Viton*
TF = 222 O-Ring/Fin W = Poly Foam Gaskets
TX = 222 O-Ring/Flex Fin without Collars (DO only)
XA = DOW w/Extended Core
XB = Ext. Core Open End Polypro
** Available only in 9-3/4 (9-4) and 19-1/2 (19-4) lengths.
spring closed end
Specifications are subject to change without notification. © 2007 Parker Hannafin
*Viton is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Process Advanced Filtration Inc.
All Rights Reserved
SPEC-C1307-Rev. A 01/08