Page 2 - Parker- AC650/AC650V series
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AC650/AC650V Series

                  AC Inverters 0.25HP–150HP (0.25kW–110kW)

                  Product Overview

                  The AC650 series, consisting       Designed with a full range of      With the AC650 series you are in
                  of AC650 General Purpose and       useful features including          control of your application
                  AC650V Sensorless Vector, has      pre-programmed applications,       immediately – no complicated
                  been specifically designed to      integrated EMC filter, and options   set-up procedures, no confusing
                  provide simple, user friendly      for local or remote mountable      menu navigation; just quick
                  speed control of standard three    operator controls, the drives      and easy operation straight from
                  phase AC induction motors from     are simple to set-up, install      the box.
                  0.25HP to 150HP.                   and operate.

                                                                              AC Drives Product Overview

                                                              Systems                                    AC890PX High
                                                                         AC890 Modular Systems Drive
                                                                                                          Power Drive

                                                              Process    AC690+ Integrator Series Drive

                                                              Simple                     AC650V

                                                                               10HP                   150HP         600HP

                     Easy-to-use Operator/
                     Programming Controls

                     Bright Backlit LCD Display                                                       4 Digit Readout
                     Diagnostic or Parameter Indicator                                               Parameter Units
                     Motor Rotating and Direction Indicator                                    Local/Remote Indicator
                     Local Start                                                                          Local Stop

                     Raise/Lower Speed                                                                Program Menu

         SSD12746 AC650 US v04 aw.indd   4                                                                           10/8/2008   5:01:09 PM
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