Page 3 - Parker - Oil and Gas Production
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Adding value to your business
From completion to production
Completion fluids
The maintenance of clean completion fluids is essential to prevent
premature blockage of the formation before full oil production.
Supported by high quality products, an international team of specialists and a Parker domnick hunter’s absolute PLEATFLOW range along with the
appropriate product from our nominal range provides the ideal
commitment to providing first-class technical support, Parker domnick hunter solution for particulate removal from completion fluids.
Process Filtration understands the specific needs of the offshore industry.
Our dedicated product range delivers quality, consistency and cost-effectiveness
throughout your process, wherever and whenever you need it. Water injection
Particulate such as sand, shale and algae within seawater
can cause blockage of the formation when injected, which
can severely damage productivity. Parker domnick hunter’s
PLEATFLOW pleated cartridge range is proven to provide
Trusted solutions to meet Global support with a superior clarity in water injection systems. Our nominal
your needs local perspective range provides ideal prefiltration where required.
With rising costs of recovery through Wherever you are in the world and
deeper and deeper exploration and whatever the requirements of your
increasing safety, quality and process, Parker domnick hunter’s
environmental requirements, you need dedicated support team is there to
a filtration supplier that can ensure help you get the most out of your
economy, reliability and reproducible filtration systems.
quality throughout your process.
We have a presence in all of the major
As leaders in drilling fluid filtration, oil producing regions offering you
Parker domnick hunter offers a local customer support and technical
dedicated product range to meet all back-up for all of your offshore filtration
these requirements from completion applications.
fluids to produced water.
Produced water
Produced water contains oil in various proportions which
Delivering on our promises must be removed prior to disposal back into the sea to
comply with environmental regulations. Parker domnick
Parker domnick hunter understands hunter’s SORBFLOW oil absorbent elements can ensure
that quick turnaround on consumables produced water meets environmental limits prior to disposal
through effective removal of trace oil after bulk separation.
for fluid applications is a critical aspect
of successful operation in offshore oil
Our business is structured to provide
high levels of stock availability and
short lead times so we can satisfy the
delivery requirements of the offshore
industry, ensuring the right product is
delivered on time, every time.
Nitrogen generation
Glycol dehydration
Mono di- and tri- ethylene glycols used for dehydration of natural Adequate purging is essential to produce inert
systems that are free from combustible gas.
gas in offshore fields must be filtered to maintain optimum Parker domnick hunter’s range of nitrogen
production. Parker domnick hunter’s absolute PLEATFLOW generators provides purge gases on demand
cartridge range is extremely effective at removing potentially without the need for high pressure storage
damaging particulate from glycols.
bottles and their associated disadvantages.