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XLH Filter Bags
Materials of Construction: XLH Flow Factors XLH Filter Bag Retention Ratings
Microfiber: FDA grade polypropylene
Rating Flow Particle Size (µm) at
microfiber used in the XLH bag series Which Efficiency Is:
assures high-efficiency performance (µm) Factors
and is oil absorbent. 0.5 0.0185 Rating (µm) 90% 95% 99%
1 0.0143 0.5 1 5
Particle retention ratings: 1 1 2 10
2.5 0.0130
0.5µm to 25µm 2.5 2.5 4 16
10 0.0043 10 10 14 22
Maximum Recommended Operating 25 0.0031 25 25 30 40
Temperature: Flow Rate and Pressure Drop Formulas
Polypropylene 200°F (94°C) Flow Rate (gpm) = Clean P x Length Factor
Flow Rate (Per single length) Viscosity x Flow Factor
XLH 25 gpm (95 lpm)
Clean DP = Flow Rate x Viscosity x Flow Factor
Length Factor
Maximum Allowable Pressure:
70 psid (4.8 bar) 1. Clean P is PSI differential at start.
Standard Seal: 2. Viscosity is centistokes. Use Conversion Tables TT
for other units.
(No seal option specified) 3. Flow Factor is P/GPM at 1 cks for single legth
C = Plastic Quik-Seal Ring
G = Steel Snap Ring 4. Length Factors convert flow or P from single
length bags. Use length factor or 1 for single
length and a factor of 2 for double length.
Beta Ratio (ß) = Upstream Particle Count @ Specified Particle Size and Larger
Downstream Particle Count @ Specified Particle Size and Larger
Percent Removal Efficiency = ß-1 x 100fficiency = ß-1 x 100fficiency = ß-1 x 100fficiency = ß-1 x 100
( )
Ordering Information
Bag Bag
Style Size Media Micron Seal Options Other Options Example
C 1 XLH = High Efficiency 0.5, 1, 2.5, 10, 25,
G 1 XLH = High Efficiency 0.5, 1. 2.5, 10, 25 Q = Top Sealing Plastic Bag H = Cotton Handles
Specifications are subject to change without notification. © 2007 Parker Hannafin
Process Advanced Filtration Inc.
All Rights Reserved
SPEC-C5031-Rev. A 01/08