Page 2 - Parker - Fulflo FB Filter Vessels
P. 2
Fulfl o FB Filter Vessels
Design Specifi cations
Typical Typical Dimensions (in)
Cartridge No. Shipping Volume
Model Aqueous
& Length (in.) A B C D E F Wt. (lbs) (gal)
Flow (gpm)
FB11-2 Single 80 43.06 12.25 35.63 5.75 13.19 2 NPT 90 5.4
FB11-2F Single 80 43.06 14.50 35.63 8.00 12.00 2 NPS 100 5.4
FB12-2 Double 160 53.94 12.25 46.50 5.75 13.19 2 NPT 95 7.8
FB12-2F Double 160 53.94 14.50 46.50 8.00 12.00 2 NPS 105 7.8
FB12-3F Double 160 53.94 14.50 46.50 8.00 11.75 3 NPS 115 7.8
† Actual fl ow rate is dependent on fl uid viscosity, micron rating, contaminant and media type. Consult fl ow charts for each application.
Maximum Operating Conditions
Max. Allowable Max. Allowable
Material of Pressure (MAP) Temp. (MAT)
(psi @ MAT ºF) (ºF @ MAP psi)
Carbon Steel 175psi (12.1bar) 400ºF (204ºC)* **
304L Stainless 175psi (12.1bar) 400ºF (204ºC)**
316L Stainless 175psi (12.1bar) 400ºF (204ºC)**
*Limited to 250ºF by the paint
**Limited to 250ºF by the standard Buna-N O-ring
O-ring Temperature Guide
Material Max. Temp.
Nitrile/Buna-N (Std.) 250ºF (121ºC)
EPDM 300ºF (149ºC)
FKM (Viton ) 400ºF (204ºC)
Fluoropolymer 450ºF (230ºC)
Ordering Information
FB —
Material Media Requirement Connection Size Connection Type Support Options
None Carbon Steel 11 One single bag CODE Inches CODE Description Blank Zinc plated carbon steel legs
4L 304L Stainless Steel 12 One double bag 2 2 Blank NPT W Wall Mounted/No legs
6L 316L Stainless Steel 3 3 F NPS SL Stainless steel legs
SB Stainless steel cover bolts
SS Stainless steel bolts & legs
Specifi cations are subject to change without notifi cation. © 2010 Parker-Hannifi n Corporation
For User Responsibility Statement, see domnick hunter Process Filtration - North America
All Rights Reserved
Fulfl o is a registered trademark of Parker-Hannifi n Corporation
Viton is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Inc.
DS_IP_FB Vessel Rev. A